Summary information

Study title

Law, Finance and Development Indices, 1970-2005


Armour, J., University of Oxford, Faculty of Law
Singh, A., Unknown Affiliation
Deakin, S., University of Cambridge, Faculty of Law

Study number / PID

6260 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-6260-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

This study examined the links between legal systems and economic development, focusing on the relationship between law and finance. New datasets were created, charting legal change over time in the areas of shareholder protection, creditor protection and labour regulation. Indices with up to 60 indicators were used to code for the law of five significant countries (France, Germany, India, the United Kingdom and the United States of America) for 36 years (1970-2005), and reduced-form indices of 10-12 indicators to code for a wider sample (25 countries) for the period 1995-2005.

The coding methods used marked an advance on previous studies, by incorporating a wider range of legal and regulatory variables and taking into account the different ways in which regulatory rules can be expressed (as mandatory rules or as ‘defaults’ applying in the absence of contrary agreement). Time-series and panel data econometric analysis were used to test for correlations between the scores in the indices and economic performance variables.

Further information can be found on the Centre for Business Research project web page and the ESRC Award web page.

Main Topics:

The main topics covered include: law and finance, corporate governance, economic development, legal origin, comparative law, varieties of capitalism, shareholder protection, creditor protection, labour regulation, stock market development and labour market flexibility.


Data collection period

Not available


Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany (October 1990-), India, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Mexico, Netherlands, Pakistan, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Malaysia

Time dimension

Cross-sectional (one-time) study

Analysis unit

Administrative units (geographical/political)


Legal provisions of 25 countries, 1970-2005

Sampling procedure

No sampling (total universe)

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Compilation or synthesis of existing material

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

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Not available