Study title
ESRC/JISC Questionnaire to Users of Census Data : Views About the 2001 Census of Population, 1997
Study number / PID
3950 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-3950-1 (DOI)
Data access
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The objectives of the project were :
to prepare the case for the ESRC/JISC purchase of 2001 Census datasets and to prepare the case for a Census Programme and suggest directions it might take;
to prepare options for ESRC/JISC on the dissemination of the datasets;
to prepare proposals to the Census Offices on Census questions, methods and products;
to prepare proposals to the Census Offices on collaborative ventures;
to advise on a strategy for negotiations with the Census Offices.
A similar survey, for the 1991 Census, was conducted in 1987 by Marsh, C. et al : the data from this study are held at the Data Archive under SN:2460.
Main Topics:
The dataset contains the responses of 140 academic users of census data on their views about the 2001 Census of population. Questions were asked under the following four themes :
1. Topics and questions proposed for the 2001 Census.
2. Proposed changes in concepts for the 2001 Census.
3. Proposed changes in outputs for the 2001 Census : Area Statistics, Samples of Anonymised Records (SARS), Migration Statistics, Workplace Statistics, the ONS Longitudinal Study - inclusion of the 2001 Census, boundary data, look up tables, flexible outputs from the 2001 Census.
4. ESRC/JISC Census Programme services : registration procedures, help with census data, documentation and training, methods of access, software for extraction and analysis of census data, shape of the ESRC/JISC Census Programme after 2001.
Measurement Scales
The main scale used was a five-part categorisation of usefulness/importance for the respondent's research :
essential; highly desirable; of interest; very low priority; not of interest.
Data collection period
11/08/1997 - 30/11/1997
Time dimension
Analysis unit
Academic users of the Census of Population, mainly faculty (teaching and research) staff in universities, in the United Kingdom during 1997.
Sampling procedure
Kind of data
Data collection mode
Funding information
Grant number
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.
Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.
Related publications
- Rees, P. (1998) 'What do you want from the 2001 Census?: Results of an ESRC/JISC survey of user views', Environment and Planning A , 1775-1796
- (1998) 'What do you want from the 2001 Census?: Results of an ESRC/JISC survey of user views', [presentation], Annual Conference of the Royal Geographical Society, 05 January 1998-08 January 1998, University of Guildford.