Study title
Consumption and Dangers to the Environment
Study number / PID
ZA1047, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Perception of problems of environmental protection in the production of
selected goods.
Topics: Assessment of the health risk, safety deficiencies, water
pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, garbage disposal,
susceptibility to repair and waste of raw material in the production of
selected goods; altogether 26 different products or product areas as
well as problems were to be judged by the respondent, among others
chemical products, foods, motor vehicles, industrial waste gases,
atomic energy and consumer goods; assessment of importance of
individual dangers; organization or group soonest in a position to
minimize the critical side effects of production; perception of a
discrepancy between the conduct of the population and their demands;
preferred measures to increase environmental protection.
Demography: age; sex; children up to 14 years old; marital status;
religious denomination; school education; occupation; employment;
household income; household size; head of household; city size; state.