Study title
Crime Survey for England and Wales, 1996-2020: Secure Access
Study number / PID
7280 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-7280-12 (DOI)
Data access
Data collection period
01/04/1996 - 31/03/2020
Time dimension
Analysis unit
Adults aged 16 and over in private households in England and Wales, and (from 2009) children aged 10-15 years resident in the same households. See documentation for further details.
Sampling procedure
Kind of data
Data collection mode
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available to users registered with the UK Data Service.
Commercial use is not permitted.
Use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. Registered users must apply for access via a DEA Research Project Application.
Registered users must complete the Safe Researcher Training course and gain DEA Accredited Researcher Status.
Registered users must be based in the UK when accessing data.
The Data Collection must be accessed via a secure connection method in a safe environment approved by the UK Data Service.
Related publications
- Butler, N., Quigg, Z. and Bellis, M.A. (2020) 'Cycles of violence in England and Wales: the contribution of childhood abuse to risk of violence revictimisation in adulthood', BMC Med,18, 325. doi:10.1186/s12916-020-01788-3
- Cooper, K. and Obolenskaya, P. (2022) 'Who is at risk of experiencing violence and has it changed over time?' LSE: SPDO Research note 5
- Cooper, K. and Obolenskaya, P. (2021) 'Hidden victims: the gendered data gap of violent crime', The British Journal of Criminology, 61(4). doi:,/10.1093/bjc/azaa100