Summary information

Study title

Velenje in Year 2000


Mlinar, Zdravko (Faculty of Social Sciences)

Study number / PID

VE83 (ADP)


Data access

Information not available


Velenje area study

In the frame of "Velenje 2000" project researchers investigate architectural, economical and social poit of view of living in city and find out how residents see development problems of Velenje municipality.


The main research of the research project Velenje 2000 was homonymous research Velenje 2000 - Residents on development problems in municipality Velenje. This research represents the complete sociological view within the main research projects in which were included also economical, economic, architecture, etc. views on development of community and city Velenje. Main goal of the research was to systematizes and sociologically conceptualize the problems of urban planning in municipality Velenje. The purpose was to find out how does the development of community affect life in city Velenje and its space. Besides that the research team was keen to find out how can human nature affect the development process and its spatial organization. To get better view of the development in city Velenje some specific indicators were also included for better understanding and significance of socio-spatial dimensions; indicators such as nutrition, apartments, health, spear time and recreation. Specific indicators for municipality Velenje were also included. Such as, the portion of the emigrants, portion of young women, portion of peasants, portion of employed, number of persons per one apartment, average size of apartment, education, etc. A lot of attention was intended for analysis of dwelling places on long run view and planning of sphere of activity and sphere of production. Development of municipality Velenje characterizes specific spatial development and untypical relation of labor and residence sphere as well as untypical degree of industrial development, urbanism and post industrialism.The main research of the research project Velenje 2000 was homonymous research Velenje 2000 - Residents on development problems in municipality Velenje. This research represents the complete sociological view within the main research projects in which were included also economical, economic, architecture, etc. views on development of community and city Velenje. Main goal of the research was to...
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Data collection period




Time dimension


Analysis unit



Sampling procedure


Kind of data


Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview: Paper-and-pencil (PAPI)



Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Social Science Data Archives

Publication year


Terms of data access

The data and materials are licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Users may use the data only for the purposes stated in the registration form and in accordance with professional codes of ethics. Users expressly agree to maintain the confidentiality of the data and to conduct analyses without attempting to identify the individuals and institutions covered by the materials.

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