Study title
Turku Polytechnic Student Health Survey 2000
Study number / PID
FSD2098 (FSD)
urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD2098 (URN)
10.60686/t-fsd2098 (DOI)
Data access
University Student Health Surveys
The survey series charts the physical, mental and social health of undergraduate students of higher education institutions in Finland. Other main themes include health-related behaviour and associated attitudes, social relationships, studies and financing studies, opinions on and the use of student health services. In addition to core questions, each survey contains questions on particular themes. The surveys were conducted by the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) at four-year intervals between 2000 and 2016. The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and the Social Insurance...
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Data collection period
02/2000 - 06/2000
Time dimension
Analysis unit
Students of Turku Polytechnic in January 2000
Sampling procedure
Kind of data
Data collection mode
Finnish Social Science Data Archive
Publication year
Terms of data access
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