Study title
1º Grande Inquérito sobre Sustentabilidade em Portugal, 2016
Schmidt, Luísa (coord.) (ICS-ULisboa)
Truninger, Mónica (coord.) (ICS-ULisboa)
Guerra, João (ICS-ULisboa)
Prista, Pedro (CRIA-IUL, ICS-ULisboa)
Data access
Information not available
The environmental and social disruptions resulting from the prevailing economic growth model have been gradually and acutely felt throughout the world in recent years, and particularly since the 2008 global financial crisis (with particular repercussions in Portugal between 2011 and 2014), placing the sustainability issue in greater emphasis. Believing that sustainable development is everyone's responsibility - government, companies, civil society and citizens - the First Large Survey on Sustainability had the following objectives: (i) to understand the environmental representations and consumption practices of the Portuguese on the various aspects that make up the concept of sustainable development; (ii) to identify areas where information, awareness and mobilization are a priority; (iii) to share important information with several civil society partners to define better actionable strategies towards sustainable development.