Summary information

Study title

Older People in Europe's Rural Areas (UK Component), 1991


Scharf, T., Keele University, Centre for Modern German Studies
Wenger, G. C., University College of North Wales (Bangor), Department of Social Theory and Institutions

Study number / PID

3220 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-3220-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

The data represent the UK contribution to an 8-nation study of ageing in Eastern and Western Europe's rural areas. The study aims to identify cross- national factors which influence the social, material and economic situation of the rural elderly. In addition, the UK component examines attitudes towards paying for health and social care services.
Main Topics:

All respondents: household composition; amenities; attitudes towards paying for care; social networks; savings.
Older respondents: in addition to above: housekeeping; social contacts; social support; shopping; personal attitudes; medical care; leisure activities; media consumption; employment; income.


Data collection period

01/10/1990 - 01/07/1991



Time dimension

Cross-sectional (one-time) study

Analysis unit



i) Older people ,aged 65 and over, living in remote rural areas in four community council areas in North Wales. ii)People aged 18 and over living in remote rural areas in four community council areas in North Wales (certain variables only).

Sampling procedure

One-stage stratified or systematic random sample

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

  The Data Collection is to be made available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.

Related publications

  • Scharf, T., Wenger, G. and Thissen, F. (1995) 'Community structure and support network variation in rural areas :: a United Kingdom-Netherlands comparison' in G. Wenger and T. Scharf (eds.), , Aldershot: Avebury, 59-93. ISBN1859720560 | 9781859720561
  • Wenger, G. and Scharf, T. (1993) Intercultural study of the socio-economic situation of old people in rural areas: Full Research Report ESRC End of Award Report, R000231802 [Research report], Swindon: ESRC.