Summary information

Study title

British Children's Play Survey, 2020


Dodd, H., University of Reading, School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences
FitzGibbon, L., University of Reading
Nesbit, R., University of Reading
Watson, B., University of Reading

Study number / PID

8793 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-8793-2 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

The British Children's Play Survey was conducted in April 2020 with 1,919 parents living in Britain who had a child aged 5 to 11 years. The sample were approximately nationally representative and the data were weighted to the national profile of all adults aged 18+, including those without internet access. The data were weighted based on age, gender, social class, region and level of education. Parents completed the Children's Play Scale, along with measures that asked about independent mobility, parent attitudes to risk in play, children's organised activities, screen time, mental health and holidays along with questions about respondent's mental health and some questions related to COVID-19. A series of questions were also asked about socio-demographic and geographic characteristics.

Latest edition information

For the second edition (December 2022) almost all of the raw survey data has been included. For this reason, the study was moved from Open to Safeguarded access (UKDS registration required). Some data are not provided in order to protect participants' identity or because it is still being analysed for publication by the authors. Updates may be made to the published dataset as further papers are published.

Main Topics:

Play, children's play, adventurous play, adventure, parks, green space, outdoor play, independence, independent mobility.


Not available


Data collection period

03/04/2020 - 14/04/2020


Great Britain

Time dimension

Cross-sectional (one-time) study

Analysis unit



Participants were recruited via YouGov, who are a UK public opinion research company. YouGov operate an online panel that includes over one million adult panellists in the UK and the authors commissioned them to collect data from a nationally representative sample. YouGov recruit panellists from a range of sources to support the diversity of the panel. For the present study, they created a nationally representative sample by drawing on a sub-sample of the national panel that is representative of British adults and inviting them to complete the survey. YouGov use Active Sampling, which means that only panellists invited to participate can complete the survey. Panellists completed the survey online and were given YouGov reward points in compensation for their time. Once fieldwork was complete, the final dataset, including all potential participants who did not complete the survey because they did not have a child within the age bracket of interest, was weighted to the national profile of all adults aged 18-43, including those without internet access. The data were weighted based on age, gender, social class, region and level of education.

Sampling procedure

Multi-stage stratified random sample

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.