Study title
DSS/PSI Programme of Research into Low-Income Families, 1991-1995
Study number / PID
3977 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-3977-1 (DOI)
Data access
Data collection period
01/01/1991 - 01/01/1995
Time dimension
Analysis unit
Low-income families (couples and lone parents) in Great Britain.
Sampling procedure
Kind of data
Data collection mode
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.
Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.
Related publications
- Wilford, R., Finlayson, L. and Marsh, A. (1997) Lone parents, work and benefits [Research report], (Department of Social Security Research Report), London: HMSO.
- Marsh, A., McKay, S. and Wilford, R. (1995) Changes in lone parenthood :: 1989 to 1993 [Research report], (Department of Social Security Research Report), London: HMSO.
- Marsh, A. and Finlayson, L. (1998) 'Lone parents on the margins of work' in R. Wilford and J. Millar (eds.), , London: Policy Studies Institute. ISBN0853747369 | 9780853747369
- Finlayson, L. and Marsh, A. (1998) Lone parents on the margins of work: report prepared for the Department of Social Security by the Policy Studies Institute [Research report], (Department of Social Security Research Report), Leeds: Corporate Document Services for the Department of Social Security.
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- Wilford, R. and Millar, J. (1998) 'Lone parenthood in the UK :: policy dilemmas and solutions' in J. Millar and R. Wilford (eds.), , London: Policy Studies Institute. ISBN0853747369 | 9780853747369
- Marsh, A. (1997) 'Lowering the Barriers to Work in Britain', Social Policy Journal Of New Zealand, 111-135
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- Wilford, R. and Millar, J. (1998) Private lives and public responses [Research report], (Policy Studies Institute Research Report), London: Policy Studies Institute.
- Marsh, A. and McKay, S. (1993) 'Families, work and the use of childcare', Employment Gazette, 361-370
- Wilford, R., Marsh, A. and Finlayson, L. (1998) What happens to lone parents:: a cohort study, 1991-1995 [Research report], (Department of Social Security Research Report), London: HMSO.
- Bryson, A. and Marsh, A. (1996) Leaving family credit :: a survey carried out on behalf of the Department of Social Security by the Policy Studies Institute [Research report], (Department of Social Security Research Report), London: HMSO.
- Wilford, R. (1996) Childcare in the balance :: how lone parents make decisions about work [Research report], (Policy Studies Institute Research Report), London: Policy Studies Institute.
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- McKay, S. and Marsh, A. (1994) Lone parents and work :: the effects of benefits and maintenance [Research report], (Department of Social Security Research Report), London: HMSO.
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