Study title
Health Evaluations, 1984-1985
Study number / PID
2216 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-2216-1 (DOI)
Data access
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The purpose of this survey was to investigate health self-ratings and evaluations as a function of age,sex and other potentially influential factors.
Main Topics:
Health self-ratings, health evaluations, independent health status measures, socio-demographic characteristics, psychometric variables (health locus of control beliefs and negative life events), health conceptions/definitions and health behaviours.
Measurement Scales
Multidimensional health locus of control scales (Wallston, K.A., Wallston, B.S. and De Vellis, R., <i>Health Education Monographs</i>, 6, 160-170 (1978)
Life Experiences Survey (Sarason, G., Johnson, J.H. and Siegel, J.M., <i>Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology</i>, 46,932-946 (1978)
Data collection period
01/11/1984 - 01/02/1985
Time dimension
Analysis unit
Non-institutionalised adults over the age of 18
Sampling procedure
Kind of data
Not availableData collection mode
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.
Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.
Related publications
- Wright, S. (1987) 'Self-ratings of health: the influence of age and smoking status and the role of different explanatory models', Psychology and Health
- Wright, S. (1985) 'Health satisfaction: : a detailed test of the Multiple Discrepancies Theory Model', 169-179
- Wright, S. (1985) 'Subjective evaluation of health: : a theoretical review'
- Wright, S. (1986) Age, sex and health: : summary of findings from the York Health Evaluation Survey, [Working paper].: Centre for Health Economics.