Study title
Replication Data for: Who is even studying journalism to become a journalist?
Prandner, Dimitri (University of Linz)
Moosbrugger, Robert (University of Linz)
Study number / PID
doi:10.11587/VKYZPD (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
The paper addresses the question why people are entering training programs
which disseminate knowledge necessary for becoming part of the journalistic
profession and how these motives go along with the intention to become a
member of the profession. Therefore it draws on data collected among
students in journalism related programs in Austria in 2015 (n=352) and tests
the linkage between socioeconomic background of the students, their motives
for entering a program and how these affect the intention to work in the field
of journalism. Factor analysis allowed the identification of four main
motives: political and social agency; employment driven; social benefits; and
calling/talent. Results show that a) motives for entering a program differ
according to the socioeconomic background of the respondents. And b) the
intention to work in the field is higher if motives tied to the ideas of agency
and calling are reported and lower if employment driven motives are
predominant. This leads to the conclusion that the motivation of students to
join the journalistic profession is deeply related to believes and normative
aspirations of individuals.