Summary information

Study title

Deformation and meteorological data of the Khoko landslide, Enguri, Republic of Georgia (2016-2020)


Tibaldi, Alessandro (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)

Study number / PID

SI384 (UniData)

10.20366/unimib/unidata/SI384-2.0 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


The data have been collected in the framework of a research focused on the study of the active Khoko landslide in the Greater Caucasus, which is a mountain belt characterized by deep valleys, steep slopes and frequent seismic activity, the combination of which results in major landslide hazard. Along the eastern side of the Enguri water reservoir lies the Khoko landside, whose head scarp zone affects the important Jvari-Khaishi-Mestia road, one of the few connections with the interior of the Greater Caucasus. The monitoring system was set up in the framework of a NATO-funded project, aimed at assessing different types of geohazards affecting the Enguri artificial reservoir and the related hydroelectrical plant. In particular data deal with measurement time series taken over the period 2016-2020. Data include information on slope deformation, meteorological factors and man-induced perturbations of the water level variations of the reservoir. The monitoring system we used is composed of two digital extensometers, placed within two artificial trenches excavated across the landslide head scarp. The stations are equipped also with internal and external thermometers. The dataset is integrated by daily measurements of rainfall and lake level. Data indicate that the Khoko landslide displacements appear to be controlled by variations in hydraulic load, in turn induced by lake level oscillations, with a delay of months between lake infilling and extension rate increase. Rainfall and temperature variations do not affect slope deformations. Data are composed by four separate files, two relating to the measurements from the strain gauges (deformations and temperatures, both inside the instrument and outside at the two landslide measurement sites), one relating to the rainfall and one relating to lake level variations. For further information please refer to the methodological note.


Data collection period

04/11/2016 - 30/06/2020



Time dimension

time series (continuous)

Analysis unit

geographic unit


No reference universe

Sampling procedure

No sampling data

Kind of data

individual data

Data collection mode

physical measurements and tests



UniData - Bicocca Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

Data are released in according to Creative Commons – Attribution 4.0 Licence, available here.

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