Summary information

Study title

Media-uitrusting, media-exposure en mediagebruik in Nederland, 1989 - MASSAT 1989


K. Renckstorf (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Instituut voor massacommunicatie, vakgroep communicatiewetenschap)
C.H. Arts (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Instituut voor massacommunicatie, vakgroep communicatiewetenschap)
E. Hollander (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Instituut voor massacommunicatie, vakgroep communicatiewetenschap)
P. Verschuren (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Instituut voor massacommunicatie, vakgroep communicatiewetenschap)

Study number / PID

doi:10.17026/dans-zbf-t58y (DOI)

STAR: P1098

easy-dataset:33067 (DANS-KNAW)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


What respondent experiences as most important in life / how many times respondent is watching tv, to which stations / motivations of respondent to watch and listen to tv and radio / watching alone or with other people / which kind of programs is respondent watching / if respondent using a video recorder / if respondent is member of a broadcasting corporation / how many radio's are used in house / how often respondent is listening to the radio, to which channels / r.'s attitude towards politics / if respondent is reading papers, and which papers about which subjects / how much time it takes to read a paper (for respondent) / which kind of books respondent reads / which kind of languages respondent speaks / which kind of subjects respondents interest, and how much / r.'s opinion about local news and local media / r.'s opinion about his-her financial situation, now and in future / r.'s opinion about living in this municipality / r.'s activities in free time / r.'s contacts with local people, family, neighbours and colleagues / r's makes time-table in quarters of an hour of exact activities.

Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ characteristics of parental family/household/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/ religion/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership


Not available


Data collection period

03/04/1989 - 26/04/1989


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Not available


Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Not available



DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities

Publication year


Terms of data access

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Related publications

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