Study title
German Reprisals at Drakeia: the Divided Memory
Van Boeschoten, Riki (University of Thessaly)
Kontaksi, Tasoula (University of Thessaly)
Vernikos, Dimitris (University of Thessaly)
Study number / PID
doi:10.17903/FK2/RJVHQO (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
In December 1943, the Germans executed more than 100 men in the village of Drakeia in Pelion in retaliation for a guerrilla attack on a German patrol where an officer was killed. The execution created divisions in the village that has survived to this day, as part of the population blamed the rebels for the incident. The research, which involved a total of 33 interviews with survivors of the execution and their relatives, was designed to investigate the formation of this 'split memory'.
In December 2013, the Municipality of Volos inaugurated an original museum in Drakeia on execution. Many of the testimonies gathered were incorporated in the report.