Study title
Sexual Orientation, Gender Diversity and Level of Living, 2020
Anderssen, Norman (UiB)
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
This is the fourth national standard of living survey among lesbian women, homosexual men and bisexual women and men, this round is also expanded to include transgender people.
Main findings can be summarised as such: 1) Transgender people reported important challenges in their everyday life. At the same time, they also reported pride, receiving support, and participation in organisations and networks. 2) Lesbian women and gay men reported mostly living conditions similar to heterosexual women and men, but were more vulnerable regarding mental health. The analysis indicated few differences between lesbian and heterosexual women. Differences between gay and heterosexual men were also relatively small, but on some parameters gay men reported significantly more challenges in their everyday life. 3) Significantly more bisexual women and men indicated challenges in their everyday life, compared to lesbian women and gay men, and compared to heterosexual women and men. In an equivalent survey from 2013 bisexual women stood out as more vulnerable than the other groups. In the present survey, this was the case also for bisexual men.