Study title
Infant Feeding in Asian Families, 1994-1996; Waves 1-5
Study number / PID
3759 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-3759-1 (DOI)
Data access
Data collection period
Not availableCountry
Time dimension
Analysis unit
The babies studied were those born between August 15th and November 11th 1994, to mothers living in the 41 selected local authority areas who had defined themselves as being of Bangladeshi, Indian or Pakistani origin. A sample of babies born to white mothers living in the same areas was also included for waves 1-4.
Sampling procedure
Kind of data
Data collection mode
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.
Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.
Related publications
- Thomas, M. and Avery, V. (1997) Infant feeding in Asian families : early feeding practices and growth: a survey carried out in England by the Social Survey Division of the Office for National Statistics on behalf of the Department of Health, London: The Stationery Office.ISBN 978-0116916938 | 0116916931
- Hardiman, A., Thomas, M. and Lawson, M. (1998) 'Iron status of Asian children aged 2 years living in England', Archives of Disease in Childhood, 420-426
- Avery, V. and Thomas, M. (1997) Infant feeding in Asian families :: a summary of key findings, London: The Stationery Office.