Summary information

Study title

International Passenger Survey, 2003


Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division

Study number / PID

4717 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-4717-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The International Passenger Survey (IPS) aims to collect data on both credits and debits for the travel account of the Balance of Payments, provide detailed visit information on overseas visitors to the United Kingdom (UK) for tourism policy, and collect data on international migration.The depositor recommends that only expert users who are familiar with the coding and weighting structures use this dataset as limited support is available. Some considerable understanding of the data is required before meaningful analyses can be made, and care must be taken when performing time series operations as codes can vary from year to year. Not all variables from one years dataset are used in other years. The data cover four subject areas, AIRMILES, ALCOHOL, QREGTOWN and QCONTACT (held quarterly per subject area). These can be joined together using the variables YEAR, SERIAL, FLOW and QUARTER. The weighting of IPS data is complex and done in several stages. When working with the system weights, great care should be taken to read the documentation concerning weighting procedures as not all records are treated in exactly the same way. For the fifth edition, the IPS Travel Trends, 2003 report was added to the documentation. Main Topics:The main dataset for 2003 contains 143 variables, and covers: AIRMILES - quarter; flow; serial; United Kingdom port or route; direct leg overseas port; final overseas port; distance from United Kingdom port to first port; from first to second port; from United Kingdom port to second port. ALCOHOL - year; quarter; month; flow; serial; money spent on spirits; wine; beer; cigarettes; hand-rolled and other tobacco. QREGTOWN - year; quarter; month; flow; serial; towns stayed in overnight; number of nights spent in towns; expenditure in towns; regional stay weight; regional visit weight; regional expenditure weight; various validation checks. QCONTACT - year; quarter; month;...
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Data collection period



United Kingdom

Time dimension

Repeated cross-sectional study

Analysis unit



Visits to and from the United Kingdom

Sampling procedure

Multi-stage stratified random sample

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.