Summary information

Study title

Students' Understanding and Use of Scientific Knowledge, 1997


Kolstø, Stein Dankert (Universitetet i Bergen)

Study number / PID (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


The purpose of "Students' Understanding and Use of Scientific Knowledge, 1997" was to increase insight in students' use of scientific knowledge and information when facing controversies of a scientific dimension, as well as looking at students' evaluation of the reliability of different types of scientific information. The background for the project was the increase in emphasizing general education in schools' curriculums for science. There was also little knowledge on how students evaluated and made use of scientific information in their daily life. To gain more insight in the above-mentioned problems, 22 in-depth interviews were carried out with students attending upper secondary school, during the period of January to June 1997. The main findings in the project were related to different strategies for evaluation of trustworthiness of information, related to a special context in the form of the controversy related to the possible health risks of growing up close to high-tension wires. Another main finding was related to models for how different information and different values affected different students' stands in the same controversial case.



Data collection period

01/01/1997 - 24/06/1997


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Students who had the basic science course of five hours (naturfag grunnkurs 5-timersfag) in upper secondary school. All students were either fifteen or sixteen years old, and they came from four different schools in the Bergen area.

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Not available



Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

Not available