Summary information

Study title

Shared Micromobility: Questionnaire Survey Data, 2022


An, Z, University of Leeds
Heinen, E, University of Leeds/ETH Zurich
Mullen, C, University of Leeds
Ettema, D, Utrecht University
Guan, X, Utrecht University
van Lierop, D, Utrecht University
Comporeale, R, Lund University
Hiselius, L, Lund University
Zhao, C, Lund University

Study number / PID

857554 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-857554 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


This data collection includes questionnaire survey data for the CoCoMo project and three versions of the questionnaire used for data collection in Greater Manchester, UK; Utrecht, the Netherlands; and Malmö, Sweden. The questionnaire surveys were conducted from July to September 2022. The surveys were restricted to residents aged 18 and over in the three study areas. The questionnaire consists of four sections, covering a range of questions on demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, stated and revealed preferences related to shared micromobility (SMM) and other forms of transport, attitudes and perceptions of SMM, and social connections. The questionnaire was provided in the native language of each respective country with an additional English version offered as an option. The questionnaire survey data includes responses from 2,058 participants. SMM, e.g., shared bikes, shared e-scooters, and shared e-bikes, have been appearing in towns and cities across the world in recent years. It is hoped that they can contribute to improving sustainability, equity and social inclusion in urban mobility. They could do this by providing low carbon, low pollution, and affordable travel. SMM can be used for making single journeys, or allowing people to get to and from public transport. Yet there are many questions about whether, or a what circumstances, SMM fulfils this ambition. The aim of the questionnaire survey is to investigate (1) how shared micromobility (SMM), e.g., shared bikes, shared e-scooters, and shared e-bikes, are combined with existing travel modes within trips and longer-term travel patterns and what implications this has for sustainability; (2) how SMM interacts with existing forms of travel in public space and how this impacts the attractiveness and accessibility of these modes; and (3) how the travel implications of, and access to, SMM differ between geographical contexts and socio-economic groups, and what impacts this has on equity and...
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Data collection period

01/07/2022 - 01/09/2022


United Kingdom, Netherlands, Sweden

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

We collected data through online questionnaire surveys. Our surveys focused on three areas: Greater Manchester (England), Utrecht (Netherlands), and Malmö (Sweden). In Greater Manchester trials existed in Salford and Rochdale. Our study focused on areas where SMM operated, covering Manchester City, Salford, and the adjacent Trafford. The surveys were conducted from July to September 2022. A sample of the general population, including both users and non-users of SMM, was required to investigate the public's stereotypes and acceptability of SMM. To achieve this, we applied commercial survey panel services (i.e., Qualtrics, PanelClix, SurveyMonkey, and Norstat) for recruitment. We restricted participation to residents aged over 18 in our study areas for reasons of research ethics. Following these criteria, the panel service companies randomly recruited the respondents according to the panellists' information registered in their database. The panellists were vetted and managed over time to ensure the quality of responses. Each respondent who completed the questionnaire survey received a small incentive for participation.The questionnaire consists of four sections, covering a range of questions on demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, stated and revealed preferences related to SMM and other forms of transport, attitudes and perceptions of SMM, and social connections. The questionnaire was provided in Dutch for the Netherlands and Swedish for Sweden with an additional English version offered as an option for participants in Netherlands and Sweden. In Greater Manchester only an English language version was offered.. On average, it took a respondent 22 min to complete this survey.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.

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Not available