Summary information

Study title

Culture and Leisure in Finland 2018


Purhonen, Semi (University of Tampere. Faculty of Social Sciences) - 0000-0002-4604-8670

Study number / PID

FSD3820 (FSD)

urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3820 (URN)

10.60686/t-fsd3820 (DOI)

Data access



Individual datasets

Individual datasets that do not belong to any series.


The Culture and Leisure in Finland survey extensively charts the cultural tastes and lifestyles of Finnish people. The data discusses, for example, the respondent's preferences regarding television, films, music, food, books, and art. In addition, leisure habits, hobbies and the use of the Internet are studied. The survey was conducted in the project The Dynamics of Cultural Stratification: How Cultural Classifications, Hierarchies and Tastes Change. The survey follows the extensive British research project Cultural Capital and Social Exclusion and corresponds to the previously collected data FSD2953 Culture and Leisure in Finland 2007. Regarding watching television, the respondents were first asked how often they watched different television channels and how many hours they watched television per day. The respondents were then asked which television programmes, such as news or current affairs programmes, comedies, sports programmes, or films they liked the most, the second most and the least, and which of the listed television series they liked the most. Last, respondents were asked about their interest in watching televised events such as the World Cup, Independence Day celebrations or Eurovision. Relating to films, the respondents were asked which types of films, such as action, comedy, or fantasy, they liked the most, the second most and the least. In addition, interest in the movies of certain directors was surveyed. The respondents were asked which newspapers and magazines they read, which books they liked, which books they had read or were interested in reading, and how many books they had read during the year. Questions about music surveyed opinions on different music genres, compositions, and songs. Regarding visual art, questions focused on which artistic trends, such as landscape paintings and modern art, the respondent liked the most and if they liked the works of various visual artists. The next topic discussed was whether the respondent had ever...
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Data collection period

22/02/2018 - 14/05/2018



Time dimension

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Analysis unit



People aged 18-74 residing permanently in Finland

Excludes: the Åland Islands

Sampling procedure

Probability: Simple random

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)
Self-administered questionnaire: Paper

Funding information


Academy of Finland

Grant number




Finnish Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

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