Summary information

Study title

Swedish election study 1956


Westerståhl, Jörgen (Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg)
Särlvik, Bo (Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg)

Study number / PID

snd0020-1-2.0 (SND) (DOI)

Data access



Not available


In the first Swedish election study the respondents were interviewed twice, once before and once after the parliamentary election in September 1956. The pre-election schedule contained questions regarding interest in the election and attention to election programs in radio, and also about the respondent´s newspaper reading habits. The respondent had to point out possible retrenchment sectors and to indicate the sectors in which cuts should not be made in public expenditure, and also point out other areas for political change. Questions about trade union affiliation, union activity and opinion of the union, membership in temperance societies, free churches and church attendance were asked. The respondent had to give a prediction for the election outcome and the respondent´s political knowledge was measured through photography identification. Other questions dealt with direction and strength of party identification and political history of respondent and the respondent´s father, respondent´s interest in politics and especially the interest in the election 1956, opinion on the political parties, and degree of political interaction with family and friends. The post-election interview concentrated on the election campaign and the actual vote, when the respondent decided how to vote, if she/he changed party since last election and if this was influenced of family or friends, but there were also questions about the war risk in Europe, especially the threat of the atomic bomb, and about the Swedish defense. Purpose: Explain why people vote as they do and why an election ends in a particular way. Track and follow trends in the Swedish electoral democracy and make comparisons with other countries.


Data collection period

28/08/1956 - 14/09/1956



Time dimension

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Analysis unit



Individuals aged 21-80 years, residing in Sweden and eligible to vote in the parliamentary election 1956

Sampling procedure

The sample was drawn from Statistics Sweden Survey Research Centres sampling framework. The framework consisted of a nation-wide set of primary sampling units which provide the framework for a ´general purpose´ two-stage population sample. Respondents not included in the target population because of ineligibility to vote are excluded from the sample. The target population even includes Swedes resident abroad, but these are not included in the sample. People above 80 years of age at the time of the study are excluded in order to avoid the difficulties encountered in interviewing very old people.

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview
Face-to-face interview



Swedish National Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

Access to data through SND. Access to data is restricted.

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Not available