Summary information
Study title
UCDP External Support Dataset
Högbladh, Stina (Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University)
Pettersson, Therése (Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University)
Themnér, Lotta (Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University)
Study number / PID
ext0034-1-1 (SND)
Data access
Not available
The UCDP, Uppsala Conflict Data Program, contains information on a large number data on organised violence, armed violence, and peacemaking. There is information from 1946 up to today, and the datasets are updated continuously. The data can be downloaded for free, and available in several different versions.
The UCDP External Support Data contains information of external support in intrastate conflicts, 1975-2010. Provides information of kind of support, extern actor and specific year. The data is divided into two separate datasets which are analogous, i.e. contain identical data structured in a different manner to simplify various types of research such as different types of statistical analyses:
1. One dataset provide data where the unit of analysis is a warring party-year, providing information on the existence, type, and provider of external support for all warring parties (actors) coded as active in UCDP data, on an annual basis. The dataset contains information for the time-period 1975–2010. It involves 29 variables and 3606 individuals/objects.
2. One dataset provide data where the unit of analysis is the warring party-supporter-year, i.e. each row in the dataset contains information on the type of support that a warring party receives from a specific external party in a given year, using dummy variables for each category of support. The dataset contains information for the time-period 1975–2010. It involves 30 variables and 6519 individuals/objects.
Data collection period
Not availableCountry
Time dimension
Not availableAnalysis unit
Intrastate armed conflicts
Sampling procedure
Not availableKind of data
Not availableData collection mode
Not availableAccess
Swedish National Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
Access to data through an external actor. Data are freely accessible.
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Not available