Summary information

Study title

ISSP Citizenship 2004


Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Sociology / Tizik, Miroslav

Study number / PID

SASD 2005001 (SASD)

Data access

Information not available


Slovak National Versions of the International Social Survey Programme ISSP

Surveys containing modules of the ISSP project. International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) due to its long-term continuity enables to compare the dynamics of changes of different societies on all continents. At the background of the initiative of research from more countries was the steadily growing need to compare and coordinate research design and aims in international perspective. High methodological level of ISSP and content attractive research themes contributed since 1983 to present day to the enlargement of ISSP members to 38 countries. Every country in ISSP is as a rule...

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ISSP Citizenship 2004 is a representative research of Slovakia's population. It is a national version of the ISSP international project. Within this project, this was the first time a modul focusing on Citizenship has been carried out. Topics of the research include looking into the opinions and attitudes of Slovakia's citizens related to various issues of public life, such as ideas of citizenship, opinions on various groups in society, ways of getting involved in political and civic life, civic involvement, rights of citizens in democratic societies, trust in politicians, inter-personal trust, opinions on international issues, opinions on politics and on the functioning of democracy in Slovakia, interest in politicas, trust in institutions or self-description of respondents. It also includes information on employment status, job and income, as well as soci-demographic data on respondents aged over 18


Data collection period

06/04/2005 - 20/04/2005


Slovak Republic

Time dimension

trend study

Analysis unit



The resident population of the Slovak Republic, persons 18 years old and over.

Sampling procedure

As for regional organisation of Slovakia, a model of 12 traditional regions was used, since it provides for a better reflection of regional particularities rather than the current model of 8 self-governing regions. Based on the proportion of households living in flats in each traditional region, the number of selection units (totalling 350) was calculated per each traditional region. The territorial selection unit represented a census district. For each territorial selection unit included in the research, a starting address was selected by random choice from the prepared database of streets and house numbers. On each starting address, the interviewer proceeded by the method of chance walk to select 4 households in which they were supposed to conduct an interview. The household represented the selection unit for sample production. The member of a household who was over 18 years old and who was to celebrate birthday the soonest was chosen to be a respondent. There was no upper age limit closing the sample. The sample was designed as representative for adults living in private houses/flats

Kind of data

survey data

Data collection mode

face-to-face interviews



Slovak Archive of Social Data SASD

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

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