Summary information

Study title

Innovations in the U.K. Since 1945


Freeman, C., University of Sussex, Science Policy Research Unit
Pavitt, K., University of Sussex, Science Policy Research Unit

Study number / PID

1675 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-1675-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

The aim of this research was to survey significant technical innovations (defined as the successful commercial introduction of new or improved products, processes or materials) which have been introduced into British industry and commerce since 1945. The survey was conducted for the purpose of providing information which complements that on other aspects of the nation's scientific and technological activity, and for use as a measurement of the output of innovative activities, indicating the nature of the innovative firms, knowledge inputs, the characteristics of innovations, and the flow between industries. Significant innovations were identified by groups of experts knowledgeable in particular sectors, and their information was confirmed by the innovating firms wherever possible.
Main Topics:

The survey contains the following information for each innovation:
(1) a brief description of the innovation;
(2) the industrial sector of the innovation (SIC, ISIC and SITC codes);
(3) the type of innovation (product, process, etc.);
(4) the sources of major knowledge inputs to the innovation;
(5) the dates of introduction of the innovation;
(6) the sector (SIC and ISIC), size, status and name of the innovating firm;
(7) the sector (SIC and ISIC), size, country of origin and name of parent company where appropriate;
(8) the sector (SIC and ISIC) in which the innovation was first used.


Data collection period

Not available


United Kingdom

Time dimension

Follow-up to cross-sectional study
update of earlier study ending in 1980 (not held at the Data Archive)

Analysis unit

Technological innovations


Significant innovations introduced into UK industry and commerce between 1945 and 1983.

Sampling procedure

No sampling (total universe)
Information was obtained from industrial experts and innovative companies responsible for the innovations suggested by the experts.

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview
Telephone interview
Postal survey



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.

Related publications

  • Pavitt, K. (1983) 'Characteristics of innovative activities in British industry'
  • Wyatt, S. (1985) 'The role of small firms in innovative activity - : some new evidence' to be published in ', Economia e Politica Industriale
  • Davidson, W. (1976) 'Patterns of factor-saving innovation in the industrialised world', European Economic Review
  • Robson, M. (1984) 'Changes in the direction of innovative effort in UK industry 1945-1980'
  • Robson, M. (1984) Science and technology indicators for the UK: : further data collection on innovations in Britain [Research report], : SPRU.
  • Davidson, W. (1979) 'Factor endowment, innovation and International Trade Theory'
  • Townsend, J. (1981) Science and technology indicators for the UK - : innovations in Britain since 1945, [Working paper].: SPRU.