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Primary Assessment Curriculum and Experience III, 1995-1996
Pollard, A., University of the West of England, Bristol, Faculty of Education
Study number / PID
3969 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-3969-1 (DOI)
Data access
Not available
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.<i>Background to the PACE study</i>
The PACE (Primary Assessment, Curriculum and Experience) project aimed to study the impact on English primary schools of the introduction, following the 1988 Education Reform Act, of the National Curriculum and its associated assessment procedures. Questionnaires and interviews with heads and infant teachers in forty-eight schools in eight varied areas, provided background data for a closer focus on nine schools. Children as well as teachers in primary school classes were interviewed. These randomly selected pupils formed a cohort who have taken part in the subsequent years of the study. New assessment procedures were also observed and analysed as they were introduced.
The project consisted of three phases: phase 1 (SN:3486) was carried out in 1990-1992, phase 2 (SN:3470) in 1993-1994 and phase 3(SN:3969) in 1995-1996.
Pupils of the original cohort, continued to be observed and interviewed, as did their teachers into year 6 (phase 3). In addition, teachers and heads in the wider sample of schools have again been interviewed; in this phase both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 teachers provide material on the degree and kind of change experienced in primary schools during a period of unprecedented innovation. <i>Phase 3 of the PACE Study (PACE 3)</i>
This dataset consists of four files:
PACE Year 4, 5 and 6 Class Teacher Questionnaire, Autumn Term Year 6 1995/96
PACE Year 4, 5 and 6 Class Teacher Interview, Autumn Term Year 6 1995/96
PACE Head Teacher Questionnaire, Autumn Term Year 6 1995/96
PACE Head Teacher Interview, Autumn Term Year 6 1995/96
This is the final part of a unique, longitudinal study of teacher and pupil experiences and practices in primary schools in England. It is concerned with teachers' conceptions of professionalism and with pupil perspectives of primary schooling, in the context of observed classroom...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
01/01/1995 - 01/01/1996
Time dimension
Analysis unit
Primary school headteachers and teachers of year 4, 5 and 6 children in eight Local Education Authorities in England selected to be representative of a geographical and socio-economic mix. The following pseudonyms are used: Rivershire; Highborough; Woolshire; Brickborough; Oldshire; Sunborough; Meadowshire; Milltown.
For further details see documentation.
Sampling procedure
One-stage stratified or systematic random sample
Purposive selection/case studies: ; For further details see documentation
Kind of data
Not available
Data collection mode
Face-to-face interview
Funding information
Grant number
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.
Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.