Summary information

Study title

Student Culture Project, 1970


Crutchley, J., Middlesex Polytechnic, Department of Social Studies
Young, J., Middlesex Polytechnic, Department of Social Studies
Grant, J., Middlesex Polytechnic, Department of Social Studies

Study number / PID

70004 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-70004-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To study beliefs and attitudes of students at a London college of technology.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Student activities and careers; attitude towards degree of student representation or consultation on appointment of principal and teaching staff; disciplining students; running library; teaching arrangements and course content (5 options for each). A section is included to discover what factors respondent feels should ideally be in a degree course and, how important he feels these actually are on present course (i.e. 7 statements - respondent attitudes towards importance of each is measured on a 5-point scale). Whether seeking any position in students' union of college, how respondent intends to divide time between studying and social activities (5 categories, e.g. 'Mostly study with some social life'), expectation of future standard of living (economic income) compared with that of family in which brought up (3 categories), type of organisation that respondent would most like to work in and type actually expects to end up working in (8 options). Also measured are attitudes towards differences between polytechnics and universities (a group of statements - e.g. 'Polytechnic graduates will obtain entry to the career of their choice easier than graduates from universities' - respondents are asked whether each is 'true', 'no difference' or `opposite is true'). Social/political data: which political party respondent would vote for if there was a general election tomorrow; voting behaviour of parents; whether respondent believes in any religious or ethnic value system (6 categories); frequency of attendance of self and parents at religious services. Respondent attitudes towards demonstrations (a list of 6 recent demonstrations is given and respondents asked whether 'favour', 'indifferent', 'disfavour' each); whether agrees with strategy of sit-ins to influence college policy,...
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Data collection period

01/09/1970 - 01/11/1970



Time dimension


Analysis unit



Population sample consists of (i) students entering first year of full-time CNAA degrees at College in 1970, whether or not new students; (ii) students entering the college for the first year whether entering the first year of study or not

Sampling procedure

No sampling (total universe)

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

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