Study title
Minderheidspositie van agentes en verplegers 1982-1983
Study number / PID
doi:10.17026/dans-2zc-jg5w (DOI)
STAR: P0851
easy-dataset:32666 (DANS-KNAW)
Data access
Information not available
Differences in minority position of policewomen and male nurses. Duration and work between secondary school and police or nursing training / duration of service as a policewoman or nurse / number of transfers / duration of service with group / number of women and men in group / interesting, stimulating and satisfactory work / learning of new things / special attention for and performing special tasks more often by policemen and male nurses / contacts with public, patients and colleagues / housekeeping: arrangements with partner, problems / attitude of partner, parents and friends towards work / career plans and possibilities / specialisations / atmosphere, conflicts in group / ( social ) contacts with male and female colleagues / amorousness with and by colleagues / sexual remarks and references, pawing / acceptation by group / contacts with superiors / preference for more male or female colleagues. Superiors were questioned about: functioning of group / functioning of police women, men or female, male nurses / differences in experiences, evaluation, task performing between men and women in group / sexual remarks and references. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ education
Data collection period
Not availableCountry
Time dimension
Not availableAnalysis unit
Not availableUniverse
Not availableSampling procedure
Not availableKind of data
Not availableData collection mode
Not availableAccess
DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Publication year