Summary information

Study title

Rivers As Local Nature? Local Public Responses to River Restoration Projects, 1997-1998


Penning-Rowsell, E. C., Middlesex Polytechnic, Department of Geography and Planning
Tapsell, S. M., Middlesex University, School of Social Science, Flood Hazard Research Centre
Eden, S. E., Middlesex University, School of Social Science
Tunstall, S. M., Middlesex University, School of Social Science, Flood Hazard Research Centre

Study number / PID

4184 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-4184-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

The purpose of this study was to:
examine how far local residents have participated in three river restoration projects on the rivers Skerne (Darlington), Cole (Coleshill) and Medway (East Peckham);
analyse how far river restoration is seen as restoring the 'natural' condition by local residents and restoration managers;
contribute to the academic understanding of the contested status of environmental management with particular reference to the theorisation of the 'local' and 'natural';
recommend to river restoration managers ways in which public participation and appreciation of the projects might be enhanced.
Main Topics:

River visiting behaviour - frequency, activities, sections of river duration, likes and dislikes.
Awareness of restoration changes to the river - responsible organisations, aims, costs, when changes made, type of changes.
Evaluation of changes to the river - 'fitting in', attractiveness of sections of river and river after changes, value for money, effect of changes on landscape, safety, wildlife, recreational opportunities and flood risk, achievement of objective of making rivers more 'natural', overall approval of schemes.
Awareness of, participation in, importance of, satisfaction with and improvements to, public consultation on the restoration schemes.
Attitudes towards the environment, restoration managers and river restoration.
Classification data and demographic details.
In addition, qualitative interviews explored the concepts of the 'natural' and natural rivers and the 'local' and 'local ownership' in the context of river restoration.


Data collection period

01/01/1997 - 01/04/1998



Time dimension

Cross-sectional (one-time) study
Darlington case study survey forms a follow-up to a 1995 survey funded by the River Restoration Project. 136 of the 235 respondents interviewed in 1995 were re-interviewed for this study. The 1995 study is not held at UKDA.

Analysis unit



Residents and river restoration managers in Coleshill, Darlington and East Peckham, during 1997-1998.

Sampling procedure

Simple random sample
Darlington and East Peckham; no sampling was done for Coleshill.

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

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