Summary information

Study title

Patients and Their Doctors in 1977


Institute for Social Studies in Medical Care

Study number / PID

962 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-962-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To examine the nature, extent and implications of changes in general practice and doctor-patient relationships since 1964, when an earlier study `Patients and their doctors' was carried out.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions 1. Patients Includes: attitude to NHS, satisfaction with care received, subjective perception of health, reasons for changes of doctor in past 5 years, preference for group or single practice, whether regards doctor registered with as own doctor, preference for own doctor, no. of consultations/hospital visits/home visits in past year, qualities appreciated and lacking in doctor, importance of knowing doctor well, attitude to presence of students at consultation, preference for doctor of particular sex, attitude to appointments system/consulting by telephone/ deputising service/contact with receptionist/activities of nurse/regular check-ups, use of emergency service, expected treatment for specified ailments, use of and attitude to private practice, preference for home or hospital treatment in event of long-term illness or disability/for GP or hopital treatment for certain ailments. Whether blood-pressure ever taken, strength of desire for information, satisfaction with explanations given by doctor, willingness to consult with personal problems, assessment of GP's workload, whether worries about wasting doctor's time. Details of consultations in past 2 weeks, anticipated treatment compared with actual treatment, satisfaction with length of consultation. Details of medicine usage in past 2 weeks, extent of knowledge about usage and side-effects, desire for further information. Assessment of doctor's prescribing habits, attitude to prescription/consultancy payments, perception of changes in doctor-patient relationship and personal awareness of health matters in past 10 years, prestige rating of general practice. Details of consultations for children in past year,...
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Data collection period

01/03/1977 - 01/10/1977


England and Wales

Time dimension

Follow-up to cross-sectional study

Analysis unit

General practitioners


Patients and their General Practitioners in 20 parliamentary constituencies in England and Wales

Sampling procedure

Patients: systematic randon (50 from each constituency)
Doctors: total of patients' sample

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Patients: oral interview<br>Doctors: postal survey (plus recorded data from DHSS)



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

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