Study title
EWS Launching and Consolidating a Nordic Research Agenda: Interdisciplinary, Empirical Research on Experiential Literary Reading, 2015
Mangen, Anne (Universitetet i Stavanger)
Study number / PID (DOI)
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A crucial part of basic reading skills is so-called deep reading, i.e., continuous reading of long linear texts such as novels. Empirical research shows that literary deep reading in particular, by virtue of its appeal to first-person experience, yields unique cognitive and emotional benefits (enhancing or refining the capacity for sympathy and empathy, social inference, emotional self-regulation, verbal abilities and intelligence). The current decline in literary reading, combined with (possibly enhanced by) the systematic downplaying of experiential reading at all levels of literary education, form the background for this study. The project "EWS Launching and Consolidating a Nordic Research Agenda: Interdisciplinary, Empirical Research on Experiential Literary Reading, 2015" investigates literary reading and the consequences of specific reading strategies for education and, by extension, mental health. Leading international scholars contributed to launching an innovative, interdisciplinary Nordic research community. A first study was conducted in several Nordic countries simultaneously, and contrasted experiential literary reading against the more analytical approaches to literature typical for institutionalized literary instruction. High-quality inter-Nordic data on the nature of literary reading in educational settings was produced.
For further information about ”EWS Launching and Consolidating a Nordic Research Agenda: Interdisciplinary, Empirical Research on Experiential Literary Reading, 2015”, please contact the principal investigator.