Study title
The role of regulation in developing biological alternatives to pesticides 2004-2007
Study number / PID
853738 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-853738 (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
UK farmers and growers are challenged with adopting environmentally acceptable methods of pest control while maintaining quality, productivity and profitability. This project provides new understanding of the environmental and regulatory sustainability of deploying inundatively applied biological control agents (aka biopesticides) as alternatives to chemical pesticides. This was addressed using entomopathogenic fungi to control aphids in leafy salad crops, a system of which the consortium has considerable expertise. The project comprises four linked objectives: (1) to assess the obstacles to regulatory innovation for environmentally-friendly pest control within a model of the regulatory state; (2) to improve understanding of the environmental behaviour of biopesticides in relation to entomopathogen local adaptation; (3) to assess the benefit / cost contributions of biopesticides to sustainability, given constraints imposed by existing decision-making networks; (4) to compare the private governance model of pesticide reduction in the UK with its legislatively driven counterpart in Denmark. By improving understanding of key natural and social science factors affecting the deployment of alternatives to chemical pesticides, and by entering into dialogue with principal actors in the pesticide regulation system, this project will progress sustainability goals for the UK rural economy across the whole of the food chain.
Data collection period
01/10/2004 - 31/10/2007
Time dimension
Not availableAnalysis unit
Not availableSampling procedure
Not availableKind of data
Data collection mode
Funding information
Grant number
UK Data Service
Publication year