Summary information

Study title

AUTNES Content Analysis of Party Newspaper Ads 2017 (SUF edition)


Müller, Wolfgang C. (University of Vienna)
Bodlos, Anita (University of Vienna)
Ennser-Jedenastik, Laurenz (University of Vienna)
Graf, Elisabeth (University of Vienna)
Haselmayer, Martin (University of Vienna)
Haudum, Teresa (University of Vienna)
Huber, Lena Maria (University of Vienna)
Meyer, Thomas M. (University of Vienna)
Reidinger, Verena (University of Vienna)

Study number / PID

doi:10.11587/SFCAOO (DOI)

Data access

Information not available



Austrian National Election Study


Full edition for scientific use. The AUTNES dataset on party newspaper ads 2017 contains data on advertisements published in Austria's leading newspapers (Der Standard, Die Presse, Heute, Kleine Zeitung, Kronen Zeitung, Kurier, Österreich, Salzburger Nachrichten) within the last six weeks before the 2017 national election. The coding procedure applies the AUTNES relational approach of recording subjects, objects, and predicates for actors to newspaper ads. The subject is the organisation sponsoring the ad. There are two types of objects: issues and object actors. Issues are recorded by coders selecting from the AUTNES issue coding scheme the dominant issue of the ad. Regarding object actors, we distinguish between “friends” (any individual or organisation positively mentioned in the ad apart from the advertiser) and “opponents” (any individual or organisation negatively mentioned in the ad). Up to five friends and opponents were coded per ad, each with their name (if an individual is present), organisational affiliation and appearance on the ad or poster (text only, text and image, image only). In addition, we code whether the ads included testimonials and advertising for preference votes. Variables: type of advertising medium (newspaper ad); source (title of publication); date on which the ad was published; position; number of page that features the ad; horizontal and vertical size of the ad in centimeters; name of the organisation (parties and ancillary oganisations) sponsoring the ad; organisations summarized into political parties; design; type of ad (classical ad, announcement); ad includes a testimonial; main issue in ad; actors: up to five ‘friends’ (any individual or organisation positively mentioned in the ad) and ‘opponents’ (any individual or organisation negatively mentioned in the ad) were coded: name of friend / opponent (individual or organisation) mentioned in the ad, presentation in the ad (text only, text and image, image only); name of...
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Data collection period

06/09/2017 - 15/10/2017



Time dimension

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Analysis unit

Text Unit


All party newspaper ads in Austria's leading newspapers (Der Standard, Die Presse, Heute, Kleine Zeitung, Kronen Zeitung, Kurier, Österreich, Salzburger Nachrichten) during the six weeks before the 2017 election.

Sampling procedure

Total universe/Complete enumeration

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Content coding

Funding information


Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

Grant number



Austrian Cooperative Infrastructure for Electoral Research (ACIER)

Grant number




The Austrian Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

For more Information please visit AUSSDA's web page

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