Summary information

Study title

Church Monitor 2004


Church Research Institute

Study number / PID

FSD2257 (FSD)

urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD2257 (URN)

10.60686/t-fsd2257 (DOI)

Data access



Church Monitors

The survey series, produced by the Church Research Institute, studies the religiosity and beliefs of continental Finns, and their relationship to the Evangelical Lutheran Chruch of Finland and other religious communities. Themes studied include supernatural phenomena, spirituality and morality, and the importance of different parish activities. The survey data have been collected as part of a separate, cross-national RISC Monitor study. The surveys are carried out by MDC RISC International and Gallup Finland (TNS Gallup, Kantar). FSD collections cover data for 1999, 2002, 2004 and 2007.


The survey focused on Finnish perceptions of paranormal phenomena, spirituality and the importance of different congregational activities. The respondents were also asked whether they belonged to any revivalist movements operating within the Evangelic Lutheran Church of Finland. The survey studied perceptions of supernatural phenomena and beliefs with attitudinal statements relating to ghosts, angels, witchcraft, psychics, UFOs, healing by prayer and yoga, and fortune-telling by astrology, horoscopes, cards, and lines of the palm. Spirituality was studied by asking the respondents to what extent they agreed with a number of statements relating to UFOs, alternative medicine, astrology, reincarnation, spiritual growth, and meditation. The respondents also rated the importance of different congregational activities including burial service, church wedding, baptism, confirmation class, work with the elderly and disabled, pastoral care in hospitals, scouting, church service, evangelism, and food banks. Finally, the respondents were asked whether they belonged to any revivalist movements operating within the Evangelic Lutheran Church (e.g. the Laestadian Movement, Evangelicalism (SLEY), Beseecherism, Pietism, the Fifth Revivalist Movement, the Charismatic Movement). They were also asked whether they considered themselves Christians, Lutherans, religious, believers, born-again Christians, or atheists. Background variables included respondent's age, gender, municipality of residence, education, and employment status.


Data collection period




Time dimension

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Analysis unit



People aged 15-75 living in Finland

Excludes: the Åland Islands

Sampling procedure

Non-probability: Quota

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview



Finnish Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

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