Study title
Meat-Free Mondays: Semi-Structured Interviews With UK Consumers of Meat Substitute Products, 2024
Nicholls, E, University of York
Study number / PID
10.5255/UKDA-SN-857560 (DOI)
This dataset compromises 15 semi-structured interviews conducted in 2024 with UK-based consumers of a range of dietary practices (including self-defined vegans, vegetarians, pescetarians, flexitarians and meat-eaters) who regularly eat meat substitute products. These are plant-based food products that closely imitate meat (for example vegan or vegetarian burgers, sausages, mince). Most interviews were conducted online and were one-to-one interviews, although one is a household interview at the participants' request. The data was collected for a project called 'Meat Free Mondays', exploring the practices, perceptions and motivations of consumers of meat substitute products, with the following objectives: (1) To understand the practices, perceptions and motivations of regular consumers of meat substitute products and (2) To identify barriers to consuming plant-based substitute products and consider how the research findings might help encourage more sustainable consumption practices amongst a wider population.