Summary information

Study title

Place Survey, 2008


Audit Commission
Department for Communities and Local Government

Study number / PID

6519 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-6519-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. Background: The Place Survey, 2008 is the first survey in a series intended to be conducted on a biennial basis. It provides information on people's perceptions of their local area and the local services they receive. It is one of the largest surveys in Europe, with over 500,000 respondents living in 329 councils in England. The survey supplies the data that inform 18 National Indicators across six Government departments. The indicators are common to all local areas, and measure how well the Government's priorities, as set out in the Comprehensive Spending Review, are being delivered by local government and their local partners. They form an important part of the New Performance Framework for Local Authorities and Local Authority Partnerships. Also collected were data that help monitor eight Departmental Strategic Objective and 11 Public Service Agreement indicators. The main aim of the survey was for unitary and top-tier local authorities to gather robust and reliable baseline information for the 18 National Indicators so that, where an indicator is part of a Local Area Agreement, improvements can be set. The survey is one tool available for councils and their partners to understand the views of local people. It is expected that local service providers will have many ways both of seeking direct feedback on services and of exploring perceptions of the area. The New Performance Framework expects councils and partners to use all evidence at their disposal to build a robust understanding of the area they serve and the people who live there. Within this context, the survey provides a set of national indicators that are common to all areas. However, to be properly understood, these measures will need to be interpreted in their local context and set alongside other local information. Data Notes Although the data file for this study contains a local authority identifier variable alongside...
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Data collection period

29/09/2008 - 19/12/2008



Time dimension

Cross-sectional (one-time) study

Analysis unit



People aged 18 years and above living in England during 2008

Sampling procedure

Multi-stage stratified random sample
The Audit Commission extracted a random sample of 6,000 addresses of adult residents for each local authority from the Post Office Small Users Address File. Local authorities were instructed to randomly draw from this sample to meet a minimum required sample of 1,100. Some councils stratified their sample in order to ensure adequate coverage of particular areas such as high streets or wards.

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Postal survey



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

Use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee.

Additional conditions of use apply:

At the time the Place Survey, 2008 was carried out, the following information was given to respondents about how and by whom their responses would be used: "Responses, which will not include personal information such as names and addresses, will only be used by public service organisations to monitor public services and assess how well they are performing." Each local authority in England was responsible for carrying out the survey in their area. Authorities (with a few exceptions) have given permission for their datasets to be lodged on the UK Data Archive as a single national amalgamated file, for use by named contacts in central or local government. The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) will therefore consider applications for the use of this dataset to ensure they comply with these conditions.

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