Study title
Self-Perceived Quality of Life and Substandard Housing Through SF12v2. A Transversal Approach in Gran Canaria’s Settlements (Spain), 2023
Santana Ramos, H, Gerencia de atención primaria de Gran Canaria
Castillo Manteiga, A, Gerencia de atención primaria de Gran Canaria
Rivas Muro, A, Gerencia de atención primaria de Gran Canaria
Study number / PID
10.5255/UKDA-SN-856404 (DOI)
The current demographic and socioeconomic scene causes an increase of people living in substandard housing(1,2) , affecting both public and individual health(1,3–7). The aim of this study is to determine the health-related Quality of life (HRQoL) quality of life in people who live in substandard housing. To that, the SF-12v2 questionnaire was used on 46 adults living in Gran Canaria´s (Spain) settlements between February and April 2022.
The results were low in all the domains and summative components of the questionnaire, apart from the vitality domain. The mean physical component summary (PCS) was 48.9 (±10.8) and the mental component summary (MCS) was 43.75 (±11.16), both values below the standard population norm (50±10). The best valued dimension was Vitality (M=54.52) and the worst was Body Pain (38.16). The country of birth, age, the characteristics of the home and the environment were determinant for the scores.
The present study reflects that living in substandard housing influences HRQoL, we have brought the participants closer to the health services and a map of the housing situation in the south of Gran Canaria has been generated, as well as a methodology that can be exported to other territories.