Summary information

Study title

Role of Identity in Participation in Children's Centre Services: the Subjective Experience of Minority Groups, 2007-2008


Parks, J., University of Northumbria at Newcastle

Study number / PID

6357 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-6357-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The objective of this study was to explore how the identity experiences of minority ethnic and gender groups affect levels of participation and engagement in Children's Centre services. The study looked at two urban Children’s Centre areas in Tyne and Wear (Areas A and B) which differed in terms of their ethnic make-up. The first area involved one Children’s Centre serving two communities with a relatively small black and minority ethnic (BME) population. The second area, which served three communities, had three Children’s Centres and also offered English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) classes, which provided a focus for minority ethnic groups. Interviews were conducted with staff at the Children’s Centres and allied local agencies, to investigate perceptions of the level of participation of minority groups, and the efforts being made to engage them. Interviews were also conducted with local parents and carers who were eligible to use the services to explore how they saw their place in the community and how this related to their use of Children’s Centre services. The parents' interview transcripts are not available form the UKDA but themes which occurred in these interviews are available in the form of a typology of perceptions document. Basic demographic data and key responses have been drawn out from both the staff and parents’ perceptions by categories (staff, ethnicity, relationship to child). Further information is available from the ESRC Award web page.Main Topics:The staff interviews cover the following areas:role in current jobfactors that affect how service users relate to staffstrategies used to engage with usersbarriers to integration of BME groups/fathersThe parents' typology of perceptions document includes summaries of the following areas: basic demographic informationdefinition of communityperception of community of residencereasons for using the Children's...
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Data collection period

01/05/2007 - 01/03/2008



Time dimension

Cross-sectional (one-time) study

Analysis unit



Staff from the Children’s Centres and parents/carers of children aged 4 and under eligible to use the Children’s Centres in Tyne and Wear, 2007-2008

Sampling procedure

Purposive selection/case studies

Kind of data

Semi-structured interview transcripts; Typology douments

Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

Related publications

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