Study title
Young Germany during COVID-19
Spittler, Marcus ( WZB Berlin Social Science Center)
Data access
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Young Germany during COVID-19 is a youth study, which focuses on young people aged 16 to 26 years living in Germany. The study has been conducted in September 2020 and is part of a larger series called Young Europe – The Youth Study of TUI Foundation which aims to shed light on the lifeworld, identity, and attitudes of young Europeans. In the September 2020 wave, 1.011 young adults (age 16-26) participated via an online survey provided by the opinion research institute YouGov. Further, an additional sample of 2.025 older adults has answered specific questions to create comparability. The survey’s main focus is the situation of young adults in Germany during the Coronavirus pandemic, especially their compliance with the restrictions and measurements taken by the government and the youth’s individual motivations to comply. The survey asks which measurements are particularly difficult and where do young people see the potential for societal conflict. These specific questions regarding the pandemic have then been supplemented by questions regarding the political representation of the youth, opinions on European integration and EU issues, as well as on the EU’s joint debt borrowing (Next Generation EU).