Study title
SCAPE database on participatory and non-participatory environmental decision-making
Newig, Jens ( Leuphana Universität Lüneburg)
Jager, Nicolas W.
Challies, Edward
Kochskämper, Elisa
Data access
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The SCAPE database comprises 305 coded cases of public environmental governance in North America, Europe and Australasia, spanning several decades up to the year 2014. Its main purpose is to study the effect of different modes of citizen and stakeholder participation on environmental and other outcomes of decision-making. Each case comprises several hundred variables on the context, process and outcomes of decision-making. While most variables are quantitative Likert-scale type variables, several text fields are included, too. Data were obtained through a case-based meta-analysis ("case survey method", see Newig et al. 2013). For each case, three independent raters coded one or several texts. The dataset contains consolidated data (mostly, averages over three coders). A web-based tool that allows easy access to key categories of the dataset will be available at