6 studies found in English from a total of 36744
working ethics 

Slovene Public Opinion 2008/1

Malnar, Brina (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre); Kurdija, Slavko (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre); Hafner-Fink, Mitja (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre); (2 more)
This is a Slovene replication of EVS08 survey. Broad topics covered are work, the meaning and purpose of life, family life, and contemporary social issues: religious and moral values, role of women, ecology, inequality, education of children etc. Several questions are dedicated to political activity, views of society, integration of individuals into society, measured with...
Study description available in:ENSL
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GIS-based Time model. Gothenburg, 1960-2015

Stavroulaki, Ioanna (Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology); Marcus, Lars (Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology); Berghauser Pont, Meta (Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology); (3 more)
The GIS-based Time model of Gothenburg aims to map the process of urban development in Gothenburg since 1960 and in particular to document the changes in the spatial form of the city - streets, buildings and plots - through time. Major steps have in recent decades been taken when it comes to understanding how cities work. Essential is the change from understanding cities as...
Study description available in:ENSV
Data access:Restricted
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GIS-based Time model. Gothenburg, 1960-2016_2

Stavroulaki, Ioanna (Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology); Marcus, Lars (Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology); Berghauser Pont, Meta (Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology); (3 more)
The GIS-based Time model of Gothenburg aims to map the process of urban development in Gothenburg since 1960 and in particular to document the changes in the spatial form of the city - streets, buildings and plots - through time. Major steps have in recent decades been taken when it comes to understanding how cities work. Essential is the change from understanding cities as...
Study description available in:ENSV
Data access:Restricted
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Climate history database for Sweden 1500-1870

Söderberg, Johan (Economic History Department, Stockholm university); Leijonhufvud, Lotta (Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg); Retsö, Dag ( Department of Economic History and International Relations, Stockholm University); (2 more)
Information about weather-related conditions in Sweden during the period 1500-1870 has been extracted from various historical documents. The information is presented as cited text, together with the date and geographical region for which the information is relevant. Since the database essentially consists of excerpts from different historical documentary sources of various...
Study description available in:ENSV
Data access:Open
Access study

CAPTURE survey on making and using archaeological data

Huvila, Isto (Department of ALM, Uppsala University); Sköld, Olle (Department of ALM, Uppsala University); Andersson, Lisa (Department of ALM, Uppsala University)
An online survey targeted to individuals who, according to themselves, had previously used and/or created, collected or deposited archaeological data (understood broadly, ranging from digital data to finds collections) was used to collect views of what information users think they need to know about data to use it effectively, and what data producers consider it to be...
Study description available in:ENSV
Data access:Open
Access study

The Danish West Indies Panel

Rönnbäck, Klas (Department for Economy and Society, University of Gothenburg); Galli, Stefania (Department for Economy and Society, University of Gothenburg); Theodoridis, Dimitrios (Department for Economic History and International Relations, Stockholm University)
Economic-demographic panel dataset over the Danish West Indies (current-day US Virgin Islands), 1760-1914. The dataset contains demographic information on the population, and their ownership of property. The dataset has been assembled from primary sources in the Danish National Archive's collection, for more than 50 benchmark years. The dataset contains information about...
Study description available in:ENSV
Data access:Restricted
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