6 studies found in English from a total of 36841

Thuislozen 1968

P.H.J.M. Heydendael (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Instituut voor sociale geneeskunde)
Group of homeless versus matched control group of non-homeless men tested for flexibility of closure / speed of closure / estimation perceptual speed / spatial orientation / spatial scanning / ordering / social anxiety / social distance / survey of interpersonal values ( siv ) / dependency independency evaluation / motivation to help / leadership.Background variables: basic...
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Leidse elite

D.J. Noordam
Gegevens betreffende de Leidse elite in de 16e-18e eeuw.Het is onbekend voor welke publicatie deze dataset gediend heeft.
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Thuislozenzorg ... voor wie ? 1975

P.H.J.M. Heydendael; A. Vissers; G. Boekhorst-De Grip; (2 more)
Social psychological inquiry of homeless men in institutions. Scale items for activities in home, integration in home, evaluation of home / loneliness / zest for life / social contacts / boredom / perceived health condition / attitude towards women / social anxiety / level of aspiration / social character / alienation / dogmatism / evaluation leisure time / disengagement /...
Study description available in:EN
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Kenmerken van maatschappelijk gehandicapten 1978-1979

P.H.J.M. Heydendael (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Instituut voor sociale geneeskunde); F.J. Boersma (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Instituut voor sociale geneeskunde); M.H.R. Nuij (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Instituut voor sociale geneeskunde); (1 more)
Study on possibilities and necessity to achieve a better co-operation between the many institutes that give shelter to socially-handicapped people.Inmates of institutions for socially handicapped people / admission record / physical and mental handicaps / welfare benefits / use of drugs / alcohol / need for help with eating / getting dressed / washing / finances / contacts /...
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Beroepsgedrag van de algemeen maatschappelijk werker 1977

E.J.H. ter Heine (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Sociologisch instituut)
To find an answer to the following questions: Which ideas do social workers have about their work. How far do social workers act according to their ideas. How much is the social worker influenced by the board, his colleagues and the clients of his institution. Who should have control on policy of institution / concern with job and objectives of institution, ambition / career...
Study description available in:EN
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Politieke democratie en welzijn 1974-1977

A.F.M. Bertrand (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Instituut voor politicologie)
Effects of democratic quality of a state on welfare policy and level, controlling for level of economic development. Political indicators, a.o freedom of press, freedom of group opposition / role of police and army / independent jurisdiction / electoral system / social indicators, a.o. life expectancy / violence / inequality of income / political prisoners / number of G.P.s...
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