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PB7/00. Politbarometer, Slovenia, 2000/7
Topics or thematic coverage: evaluation of socio-economic and political situation; party preference; satisfaction with the state of democracy; general satisfaction; evaluation of government; media habits; voting system; gender, age, education and region of residence. Topical subjects of this month were estimating support to new government (Andrej Bajuk), electoral system,...
Politbarometer 2000, Slovenia
This research is a part of regular monthly phone polls intended on following the levels of satisfaction with work of the Government and assessment of conditions in the country. Research also includes assessment of support for joining the European Union and NATO. Monthly surveys included questions of relation between Slovene government and the Church, evaluation of...
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1990/2
Current survey includes large number of SJM standard questions. Main chapter deals with the proposal of the new Sloven constitution, suggested by the parliament. Other current topics includes opinions about denationalization and privatization of dwellings and a support toward plebiscite in Slovenia. Some other constructs included in a questionnaire are opinions about...