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teachers (72)
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Appearance of Mobile Phones in Schools 1997-2000: Teacher Interviews
The survey charted pupils' and students' use of mobile phones in Finnish schools from the point of view of teachers. The archived data consist of teacher interviews conducted between 1997 and 2000. Topics in the interviews included, among others, when mobile phones had started appearing in schools, where pupils used them, differences between boys and girls as mobile phone...
Ethnography of Practical Nurse Education: Teacher Interviews 2007-2010
The data are part of a wider ethnographic study in which the everyday life in an educational institution for social and health care in the capital area of Finland was observed. The study also included student interviews (FSD2736) and field notes (FSD2575). The data consist of 14 interviews. The interviewees were teachers whose classes were observed (see FSD2575) and one...
Finnish Memories of Life-changing Teachers 2020
This dataset consists of 32 texts written by people who have meaningful memories of life-changing teachers. In the invitation to write, the participants were asked to describe the characteristics of the teacher that had changed their life as well as the actions of the teacher that had been especially significant and influential for them. The participants were also asked to...
Child-up: Survey for Children and Young People 2019
The survey charted the experiences of children and young people regarding language skills, multilingual communication, and success at school. The data were collected as part of the Child-up research project, which aims to enhance understanding on the experiences of migrant children, young people, and their guardians regarding school, pre-school, and educational communities,...
Intervention Study on Increasing Physical Activity and Reducing Sedentary Behaviour of Vocational Students: Teacher Surveys 2015-2017
The intervention study investigated the effectiveness of the 'Let's Move It' programme aiming to increase physical activity (PA) and reduce sedentary behaviour (SB) among students in vocational schools in Finland. It was conducted as a cluster-randomised parallel group trial. This dataset consists of vocational school teachers' responses to three surveys on the 'Let's Move...
Implementation of Intervention Strategies for Physical Activity Promotion in Upper Secondary Schools: Teacher Surveys 2016-2018
The study investigated the impact of and satisfaction with the continuing education training sessions focusing on the implementation of the 'Let's Move It' programme in upper secondary schools in Finland and the extent to which teachers adopted the motivational interaction techniques promoted in the training. The goal of the 'Let's Move It' school-based intervention...
Classroom Teachers' Experiences of Distance Teaching 2020
The dataset consists of interviews with classroom teachers on their experiences of implementing distance teaching in the spring of 2020. The interviewees are primary school classroom teachers. The interviews with the classroom teachers examined how they had implemented distance teaching and what their average day of distance teaching was like. In addition, the interviewees...
Classroom Teacher Students' Views on Reasons to Not Pursue Teacher Training 2019
The dataset consists of self-administered written texts in which the participants discuss possible reasons for not pursuing classroom teacher training. The participants are first-year classroom teacher students, and the texts were collected in lectures for first-year students at two different universities. The writing guidelines directed participants to write about whether...
Conflict and Stress in Teaching 1993
The survey charted how various conflicts create stress in teachers' work and how teachers cope with stress. The archived data consist of 50 interviews conducted with primary teachers in East Vantaa in 1993. The interviewees were aged between 23 and 59 years. Topics covered the teachers' opinions on the content of their job, stress symptoms, strenuousness and frequency of...
Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS): Interviews of Teachers of 14-Year-Olds 1974: Text Data
The data are part of the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS), in which the same individuals have been followed over 30 years. At this research stage, data were collected using teacher ratings, theme interviews (FSD2305), peer nominations (FSD2073), and parent interviews (FSD2074). The teacher interviews covered topics such as the...
Teachers' Views and Experiences on Film Education 2009
The film education survey conducted by School Cinema (Koulukino) aimed at charting teachers' opinions and attitudes towards watching films at school and film education. The data were collected using an open web survey. The respondents told their views on topics such as showing films in classes and utilising them as part of teaching, using film education material, and...
Aalto University Teacher Views on Entrepreneurship 2012
Aalto University Teacher Views on Entrepreneurship 2012 charted the views of Aalto University teachers about entrepreneurship, entrepreneur spirit, and whether entrepreneurial people were suitable for the university, as well as attitudes towards the structural changes that were implemented in Aalto University, and how these changes have affected education and the teachers'...
Verbal abuse and violence in compulsory school 2001 - Students
Verbal aggression och fysiskt våld mellan elever undersöktes genom enkäter till samtliga elever i årskurs 6 och 8 och deras klassföreståndare i en medelstor svensk kommun. Samtliga elever i årskurs 6 och 8 samt deras klassföreståndare omfattades av enkätstudien, totalt 1211 elever och 76 lärare. I årskurs 6 var 643 elever uppdelade på 30 klasser. Av dessa var 298 flickor och...
Teachers' Experiences of Teaching 3-5 Grades Mathematics in Innovative Learning Environments 2022
The data consists of interviews where teachers describe their experiences of teaching mathematics in open educational environments with 3rd-5th graders. Some of the interviews were conducted as group interviews and some as individual interviews. First, the interviewees were asked how long they had been teaching in open educational environments and what the open educational...
Teacher Interviews on Cultural Heritage and Digitalisation 2016-2017
The data consists of interviews with humanities teachers in secondary schools and upper secondary schools, in which they discuss cultural heritage and digitalisation in education. The interviews cover issues such as teachers' definitions, perceptions and experiences of cultural heritage and how digitalisation is reflected in their teaching. The interviews have been conducted...
Lower Secondary School Teachers as Civic Educators 2023
The data focuses on the views of lower secondary school teachers on democracy, political participation and their ability to implement democracy education in their work. The data was collected as part of the project "Education, Political Efficacy and Informed Citizenship (EPIC)", funded by the Academy of Finland and The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland. First,...
How to be a Good Communist in Reform-Era China: Moulding the Agents of the State, 2004-2007
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Despite almost 30 years of reform, the Chinese state’s functioning continues to revolve around the role of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which suffuses the entire state apparatus, providing it with leadership, purpose and strategy. The party has a range of tools at its disposal to maintain its grip...
World Bank Africa Development Indicators, 1960-2011
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The World Bank Africa Development Indicators (ADI) provided annual time series data for over 1,400 indicators. No further updates of this database are currently planned. Topics covered by the extensive database include national accounts, balance of payments, trade, prices, government finance and external...
Effective Classroom Practice: a Mixed Method Study of Influences and Outcomes, 2006-2007
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This mixed methods study sought to identify key factors that contribute to the similarities, dissimilarities and variations in teachers’ management of sustained effective teaching. The study builds on a longitudinal research project into Variations in Teachers’ Work, Lives and their Effects on Pupils...
Homework and its Contributions to Learning, 1999-2001
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The overall aims of the research were to examine the contribution which homework makes to student learning at Key Stages 2 and 3, and to identify some of the conditions under which this contribution is enhanced or reduced. The main research questions were:
what kind of tasks are set for homework?
to what...
Assistant Roles and Changing Job Boundaries in the Public Services, 2004-2005
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This research project examined three assistant roles in different parts of the public services: the teaching assistant in education; the social work assistant in social care and the healthcare assistant in health care. While central to the process of workforce restructuring in the context of public...
Adult Learners' Lives, 2002-2005
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Adult Learners' Lives project was a major National Research and Development Centre (NRDC) research study carried out by members of the Lancaster Literacy Research Centre. The overall aim of the project was to develop understandings of the relationships between learners' lives and the literacy,...
Welsh Health Survey, 2003-2004
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Welsh Health Survey (WHS) collects information about the health of people living in Wales, the way they use health services, and the factors that can affect their health. The current WHS series was conducted for the first time in 2003-2004. It was commissioned by the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG),...
Welsh Health Survey, 2005-2006
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Welsh Health Survey (WHS) collects information about the health of people living in Wales, the way they use health services, and the factors that can affect their health. The current WHS series was conducted for the first time in 2003-2004. It was commissioned by the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG),...
Studies of Teachers' Emotion Percepts in Relation to Their Self-efficacy and Agency, 2020-2022
A series of studies were conducted to gather data illuminating teachers' experiences of emotions that motivate their professional engagement, together with associated relevant cognitions and actions. The first qualitative study involved interviewing teachers at the start of the pandemic lockdown. Analysis of interview transcripts confirmed an a priori assumption that...
Policy Enactments in the Secondary School: Theory and Practice, 2009
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a qualitative data collection. This research project aimed to contribute to critical policy analysis through a qualitative study of multiple education policy enactments in four UK secondary schools. Previous studies have tended to focus on the impact and influence of single-strand policies, in...
Education, language and identity 2015-2018
A mixed methods approach was adopted, with the project undertaking qualitative interviews and a questionnaire survey.
The interviews were conducted with policy-makers, teachers and young people in both Wales and Scotland. These focused on the link between education, minority languages and identity in both countries. Key themes include the use of minority languages in...
Education systems, aspiration and learning in remote rural settings 2016-2019
Qualitative interviews and survey undertaken as part of a wider ethnographic project focused on the relationships between aspirations and education. In each country, a researcher spent nine months conducting research in two remote rural communities. Respondents were selected purposively and included school children, school dropouts, parents, teachers and community leaders...
Teacher Supply, Shortages and Working Conditions in England: NFER Senior Leader Survey, 2019-2021
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.NFER surveyed nationally-representative samples of senior leaders with responsibility for staffing in autumn 2020 and autumn 2021. The aim of the surveys was to gather information about senior leaders’ experience of teacher recruitment, retention and what actions, if any, they had taken to manage...
Dataset belonging to Thin-slice judgments of children's social status and behavior
The moment a child walks into a new classroom, teachers and classmates form an impression based on minimal information. Yet, little is known about the accuracy of such impressions when it concerns children’s social functioning at school. The current study examined the accuracy of children’s, teachers’ and adults’ impressions of 18 unacquainted children based on thin slices...