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The Accounts of the 'Society of The Hague', 1587-1802
This dataset contains information on the bureaucratization of local government of The Hague in the period 1588-1797. It studies the accounts of the 'Sociëteit van 's-Gravenhage'. This society was the result of collaboration of important governmentbodies as the 'Hoge Raad' (Supreme Court), the ' Hof van Holland' (the Court), the 'Rekenkamer der Grafelijkheidsdomeinen' (the...
Dutch towns, 1674-1742
This dataset was created to make a comparison between three tax registers from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries ('Klein Familiegeld 1674', 'Familiegeld 1715' and 'Personele Quotisatie 1742'). The data derive from articles and tables created by W.H.F. Oldewelt, as published in the Economisch-Historisch Jaarboek (economic historic yearbook) 24 and 25. The main...
Tax register of Leiden, 1674
The dataset is based on two sources, both originating from the year 1674: 1) a capital assessment list: 'Tweehonderdste Penning' and 2) an income assessment list: 'Klein Familiegeld'. For the capital tax there are 2 files: one for individuals and one for assessments. The income tax has only 1 file. Some individuals appear in both sources. Website:...