18 studies found in English from a total of 36716
survey research 

Harmonizing and synthesizing partnership histories from different research data infrastructures: A model project for linking research data from various infrastructure (HaSpaD).

Schulz, Sonja ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); Weiß, Bernd ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); Sterl, Sebastian ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); (3 more)
English: The HaSpaD project harmonizes and pools longitudinal data for the analysis of partnership biographies from nine German survey programs. These are in detail: The German Family Panel (pairfam), Data file Version 12.0.0 ALLBUS/GGSS 1980-2016 (Kumulierte Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften / Cumulated German General Social Survey 1980-2016) ...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Code/Syntax: Grasping Digitalization in the Working World

Friedrich, Teresa ( Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung); Laible, Marie-Christine ( Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung); Pollak, Reinhard ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); (3 more)
Digitalization and automation have increased substantially in recent years and are reshaping the working world. These fundamental changes alter employee training needs and training programs. They create new employment opportunities, may cause excessive demands or raise fears of job loss. The extent of the societal transitions induced by the ongoing digitalization call for...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Harmonizing and synthesizing partnership histories from different research data infrastructures: A model project for linking research data from various infrastructure (HaSpaD).

Schulz, Sonja ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); Weiß, Bernd ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); Sterl, Sebastian ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); (3 more)
English: The HaSpaD project harmonizes and pools longitudinal data for the analysis of partnership biographies from nine German survey programs. These are in detail: The German Family Panel (pairfam), Data file Version 12.0.0 ALLBUS/GGSS 1980-2016 (Kumulierte Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften / Cumulated German General Social Survey 1980-2016) ...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Harmonizing and synthesizing partnership histories from different research data infrastructures: A model project for linking research data from various infrastructure (HaSpaD).

Schulz, Sonja ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); Weiß, Bernd ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); Sterl, Sebastian ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); (3 more)
English: The HaSpaD project harmonizes and pools longitudinal data for the analysis of partnership biographies from nine German survey programs. These are in detail: The German Family Panel (pairfam), Data file Version 12.0.0 ALLBUS/GGSS 1980-2016 (Kumulierte Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften / Cumulated German General Social Survey 1980-2016) ...
Study description available in:DEEN
Access study

Code/Syntax: Welcher Zweck heiligt die Mittel? Bemerkungen zur Repräsentativitätsdebatte in der Meinungsforschung

Kohler, Ulrich ( Universität Potsdam, Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften)
Im Vergleich zu Umfragen an Wahrscheinlichkeitsstichproben bieten Umfragen an Access-Panels, die auf Nicht-Wahrscheinlichkeitsstichproben basieren, unbestreitbare wirtschaftliche Vorteile. Diese Vorteile gehen jedoch mit unvermeidbaren Qualitätseinbußen einher, die auch dann bestehen bleiben, wenn Erstere sehr niedrige Ausschöpfungsquoten haben. In diesen...
Study description available in:DEEN
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SiE survey dataset on solidarity in Europe (2022)

Hemerijck, Anton ( European University Institute / Department of Political and Social Sciences); Genschel, Philipp ( Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies); Cicchi, Lorenzo ( Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies); (2 more)
The EUI-YouGov dataset on European solidarity is built on a large survey designed by the EUI 'Solidarity in Europe' research team and implemented by YouGov. The data aims to empirically assess public opinion on the willingness to redistribute resources within the EU and to examine political attitudes that might explain these preferences. The survey design covers a number of...
Study description available in:DEEN
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SiE survey on solidarity in Europe trendfile (2018-2023)

Hemerijck, Anton ( European University Institute / Department of Political and Social Sciences); Genschel, Philipp ( Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies); Cicchi, Lorenzo ( Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies); (9 more)
The SiE survey on solidarity in Europe, developed by the EUI and YouGov, is implemented yearly since 2018. This trendfile compiles the most relevant variables repeated over the six wave datasets (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023); please consult GESIS for the individual yearly datasets. The trendfile indicators cover a number of topics such as support for solidarity...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Replication Files: Concurrent, Web-First, or Web-Only? How Different Mode Sequences Perform in Recruiting Participants for a Self-Administered Mixed-Mode Panel Study

Christmann, Pablo ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); Gummer, Tobias ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); Häring, Armando ( Institut für Angewandte Sozialwissenschaft); (4 more)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many survey programs switched to self-administered modes of data collection, often offering respondents both web-based and paper-based questionnaires. However, there is little guidance as to when to offer which mode, especially when the aim is to recruit participants for a panel survey. This study examines the effectiveness of different...
Study description available in:DEEN
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COORDINATE Data Harmonisation Workshop 2

Bechert, Insa
These data consist of five simulated datasets and a syntax file written in R. All files were created for use in the recorded COORDINATE Workshop 2 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeyBKxa894E). In this workshop, Scott Milligan, from the GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, leads participants through a complete data harmonisation exercise. The exercise examines...
Study description available in:DEEN
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SiE survey on solidarity in Europe trendfile (2018-2023)

Hemerijck, Anton ( European University Institute / Department of Political and Social Sciences); Genschel, Philipp ( Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies); Cicchi, Lorenzo ( Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies); (9 more)
The SiE survey on solidarity in Europe, developed by the EUI and YouGov, is implemented yearly since 2018. This trendfile compiles the most relevant variables repeated over the six wave datasets (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023); please consult GESIS for the individual yearly datasets. The trendfile indicators cover a number of topics such as support for solidarity...
Study description available in:DEEN
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SDCCP 2 - Survey Design of Longitudinal Surveys Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Skora, Thomas ( GESIS); Glasenapp, Karolina von ( GESIS); Gummer, Tobias ( GESIS); (2 more)
The data set "SDCCP 2 - Survey Design Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic" was generated by the project entitled "Survey Data Collection and the Covid-19 Pandemic" (SDCCP). The aim of the project was to describe the survey design and data quality of surveys conducted in Germany in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The SDCCP 2 data set contains rich metadata and...
Study description available in:DEEN
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SiE survey on solidarity in Europe trendfile (2018-2024)

Hemerijck, Anton ( European University Institute / Department of Political and Social Sciences); Genschel, Philipp ( Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies); Cicchi, Lorenzo ( Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies); (9 more)
The SiE survey on solidarity in Europe, developed by the EUI (ERC Solid and Robert Schumann Centre for Advanced Studies) and YouGov, is implemented yearly since 2018. This trendfile compiles the most relevant variables repeated over the seven wave datasets (2018 to 2024); please use the GESIS search for the individual yearly datasets. The trendfile indicators cover a number...
Study description available in:DEEN
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SiE survey dataset on solidarity in Europe (2022)

Hemerijck, Anton ( European University Institute / Department of Political and Social Sciences); Genschel, Philipp ( Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies); Cicchi, Lorenzo ( Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies); (2 more)
The EUI-YouGov dataset on European solidarity is built on a large survey designed by the EUI 'Solidarity in Europe' research team and implemented by YouGov. The data aims to empirically assess public opinion on the willingness to redistribute resources within the EU and to examine political attitudes that might explain these preferences. The survey design covers a number of...
Study description available in:DEEN
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SiE survey dataset on solidarity in Europe (2023)

Kriesi, Hanspeter ( European University Institute / Department of Political and Social Sciences); Stolle, Dietlind ( McGill University, European University Institute); Cicchi, Lorenzo ( European University Institute); (6 more)
The EUI-YouGov dataset on European solidarity is built on a large survey designed by the 'Solidarity in Europe' and the SOLID ERC research teams at the EUI, and implemented by YouGov. The data aims to empirically assess public opinion on the willingness to redistribute resources within the EU and to examine political attitudes that might explain these preferences. The survey...
Study description available in:DEEN
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SDCCP 1 - Survey Design and Quality During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Glasenapp, Karolina von ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); Skora, Thomas ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); Gummer, Tobias ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); (1 more)
The data set "SDCCP 1 - Survey Design and Quality During the Covid-19 Pandemic" was generated by the project entitled "Survey Data Collection and the Covid-19 Pandemic" (SDCCP). The aim of the project was to describe the survey design and data quality of surveys conducted in Germany in the context the Covid-19 pandemic. The data set "SDCCP 1 - Survey Design and Quality...
Study description available in:DEEN
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SiE survey dataset on solidarity in Europe (2023)

Kriesi, Hanspeter ( European University Institute / Department of Political and Social Sciences); Stolle, Dietlind ( McGill University, European University Institute); Cicchi, Lorenzo ( European University Institute); (6 more)
The EUI-YouGov dataset on European solidarity is built on a large survey designed by the 'Solidarity in Europe' and the SOLID ERC research teams at the EUI, and implemented by YouGov. The data aims to empirically assess public opinion on the willingness to redistribute resources within the EU and to examine political attitudes that might explain these preferences. The survey...
Study description available in:DEEN
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SiE survey dataset on solidarity in Europe (2024)

Kriesi, Hanspeter ( European University Institute); Stolle, Dietlind ( McGill University, EUI); Cicchi, Lorenzo ( European University Institute); (4 more)
The EUI-YouGov dataset on European solidarity is built on a large survey designed by the 'Solidarity in Europe' and the SOLID ERC research teams at the EUI, and implemented by YouGov. The data aims to empirically assess public opinion on the willingness to redistribute resources within the EU and to examine political attitudes that might explain these preferences. The survey...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Looking for data (Expert interviews)

Friedrich, Tanja ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften)
These interview data are part of the project "Looking for data: information seeking behaviour of survey data users", a study of secondary data users’ information-seeking behaviour. The overall goal of this study was to create evidence of actual information practices of users of one particular retrieval system for social science data in order to inform the development of...
Study description available in:DEEN
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