3 studies found in English from a total of 36726
sosiaalinen media 

The impact of living abroad: Stress, adaptation, and intergroup contact

Geeraert, N, University of Essex
Whether as migrant, expatriate, or overseas student, living abroad has an impact on individuals in terms of well-being, task-oriented functioning, and intergroup behaviour. This research examines the impact of intercultural contact by comparing such sojourners with a matched group of peers. The study will monitor a large cohort of international exchange students (sojourners)...
Study description available in:EN
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Bright Futures: Survey of Chinese international students in the UK, Germany and Japan and of domestic students in China, 2017-2018

Soysal Nuhoglu, Y, University of Essex; Cebolla Boado, H, UNED; Liu, J, Tsinghua University; (2 more)
This is a cross-national survey of Chinese international students in the UK, Germany and Japan, with comparison groups of domestic students in the UK, Germany, and Japan, as well as a comparison group of domestic students in China. The study population are taught (undergraduate and postgraduate) students of the listed groups. Areas covered in the questionnaires:...
Study description available in:EN
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Survey of Graduating International Students, 2017-2018

Falkingham, J, University of Southampton; Wahba, J, University of Southampton; Giulietti, C, University of Southampton; (1 more)
The CPC-ONS-UUK Survey of Graduating International Students (SoGIS) is a collaborative project between the ESRC Centre for Population Change (CPC) at the University of Southampton, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and Universities UK (UUK). SoGIS wave 1 collected detailed information from international students in UK Higher Education in their final year of study....
Study description available in:EN
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