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Labour force survey, 2000/1
Purpose of these research was to give an evaluation of influence on executing institutional measures on juvenile and older minor offenders in SR Slovenia. Starting point of these research was, that judicial system and system of executing punishment by juvenile offenders can, especially at the beginning, promote rise of criminal career (recidivism). The survey was conducted...
Labour force survey, 1998/1
The Labour Force Survey is a unique source of articulated information using international definitions of employment and unemployment and economic inactivity, together with a wide range of related topics such as occupation, training, hours of work and personal characteristics of household members aged 15 and over. Survey is conducted as partial panel since 1992, each hosehold...
Labour force survey, 1998/2
The Labour Force Survey is a unique source of articulated information using international definitions of employment and unemployment and economic inactivity, together with a wide range of related topics such as occupation, training, hours of work and personal characteristics of household members aged 15 and over. Survey is conducted as partial panel since 1992, each hosehold...
Labour force survey, 1998/3
The Labour Force Survey is a unique source of articulated information using international definitions of employment and unemployment and economic inactivity, together with a wide range of related topics such as occupation, training, hours of work and personal characteristics of household members aged 15 and over. Survey is conducted as partial panel since 1992, each hosehold...
Labour force survey, 1999/1
The Labour Force Survey is a unique source of articulated information using international definitions of employment and unemployment and economic inactivity, together with a wide range of related topics such as occupation, training, hours of work and personal characteristics of household members aged 15 and over. Survey is conducted as partial panel since 1992, each hosehold...
Importance of work engagement in primary healthcare, 2018
Work engagement is crucial for quality care at the primary healthcare level. This is especially true during the Covid-19 pandemic, as it has effects on the community from both a health and economic point of view. For example, inadequate work engagement can lead to fewer referrals to the secondary healthcare level. The aim of this study is to examine the work engagement level...
Slovenian Public Opinion 2011/1
Slovenian Public Opinion 2011/1 is a package of surveys, which belongs to the Slovenian Public Opinion survey series, and it represents the first SJM 2011 round. The questionnaire includes 4 topical sections which cover the following national and international surveys: Environment ISSP 2010, Health ISSP 2011, Survey on the relationship between work and family and...
Labour force survey, 2000/2
The Labour Force Survey is a unique source of articulated information using international definitions of employment and unemployment and economic inactivity, together with a wide range of related topics such as occupation, training, hours of work and personal characteristics of household members aged 15 and over. Survey is conducted as partial panel since 1992, each hosehold...
Labour force survey, 2000/3
The Labour Force Survey is a unique source of articulated information using international definitions of employment and unemployment and economic inactivity, together with a wide range of related topics such as occupation, training, hours of work and personal characteristics of household members aged 15 and over. Survey is conducted as partial panel since 1992, each hosehold...
Labour force survey, 2000/4
The Labour Force Survey is a unique source of articulated information using international definitions of employment and unemployment and economic inactivity, together with a wide range of related topics such as occupation, training, hours of work and personal characteristics of household members aged 15 and over. Survey is conducted as partial panel since 1992, each hosehold...
Labour force survey, 1997/2
The Labour Force Survey is a unique source of articulated information using international definitions of employment and unemployment and economic inactivity, together with a wide range of related topics such as occupation, training, hours of work and personal characteristics of household members aged 15 and over. Survey is conducted as partial panel since 1992, each hosehold...
Labour force survey, 1997/3
The Labour Force Survey is a unique source of articulated information using international definitions of employment and unemployment and economic inactivity, together with a wide range of related topics such as occupation, training, hours of work and personal characteristics of household members aged 15 and over. Survey is conducted as partial panel since 1992, each hosehold...
Labour force survey, 1997/4
The Labour Force Survey is a unique source of articulated information using international definitions of employment and unemployment and economic inactivity, together with a wide range of related topics such as occupation, training, hours of work and personal characteristics of household members aged 15 and over. Survey is conducted as partial panel since 1992, each hosehold...
Labour force survey, 1998/4
The Labour Force Survey is a unique source of articulated information using international definitions of employment and unemployment and economic inactivity, together with a wide range of related topics such as occupation, training, hours of work and personal characteristics of household members aged 15 and over. Survey is conducted as partial panel since 1992, each hosehold...
Labour force survey, 1999/2
The Labour Force Survey is a unique source of articulated information using international definitions of employment and unemployment and economic inactivity, together with a wide range of related topics such as occupation, training, hours of work and personal characteristics of household members aged 15 and over. Survey is conducted as partial panel since 1992, each hosehold...
Labour force survey, 1999/3
The Labour Force Survey is a unique source of articulated information using international definitions of employment and unemployment and economic inactivity, together with a wide range of related topics such as occupation, training, hours of work and personal characteristics of household members aged 15 and over. Survey is conducted as partial panel since 1992, each hosehold...
Labour force survey, 1999/4
The Labour Force Survey is a unique source of articulated information using international definitions of employment and unemployment and economic inactivity, together with a wide range of related topics such as occupation, training, hours of work and personal characteristics of household members aged 15 and over. Survey is conducted as partial panel since 1992, each hosehold...
Census of Population, Households and Housing in the Republic of Slovenia in 2002
The purpose of Census 2002 is to collect data concerning inhabitants, families, households and dwellings for planning future necessities, decisions and trend on Slovenia's different territorial levels and different social groups (see Public Use Microdata Sample : 5- Percent Sample of Individuals, Dwellings and Buildings is...
Slovenian Public Opinion 2015
Slovenian Public Opinion 2015 survey includes 4 topical sections which cover the following national and international surveys: Work orientation ISSP 2015, Role of Government ISSP 2016, Mirror of public opinion and National security survey. The survey was performed on a representative sample (realized sample N=1024) of inhabitants of the Republic of Slovenia, 18 years of age...