197 studies found in English from a total of 36716
sexuality (197) 

Rotterdamse belevingsonderzoek 1977-1978

Reelick, N.F., Haes, W.F.M. de, Schuurman, J.H., GG&GD * Rotterdam, afd. gezondheidsvoorlichting en -opvoeding (primary investigator)
Evaluation of certain aspects of cervix-cancer screening: womens' experience of positive screening result. First interview support from social environment / evaluation of the screening / attitude towards illness ( behaviour, strategies ) / illness in family and of acquaintances / knowledge of cervical cancer / attitude towards expected test result / relation with partner /...
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Meningen over homosexualiteit III 1970-1971

Boer, J. de, Kroode, H. ten, Manschot, B., Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Baschwitz instituut (primary investigator)
Problems of homosexuals in their occupational situation / heads of gab's ( regional labour exchange ) were asked about their experiences with attitude and behaviour of companies towards homosexuals / letters of application were sent to test their actual behaviour / personnel managers of companies, nursing and municipal services were interviewed on experience with homosexuals...
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Macht van de vanzelfsprekendheid in relaties tussen vrouwen en mannen 1980-1981

A.E. Komter (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Vakgroep sociale psychologie)
The functioning of power in marital relations.Marriage / division of labour, housekeeping / children / sexuality / social contacts / leisure / finance / perception of roles of men and women / education of children / types of behaviour towards each other / mental and physical condition.Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/...
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Social Survey Austria 2003 (SUF edition)

Schulz, Wolfgang (Institute for Advanced Studies); Haller, Max (University of Graz); Grausgruber, Alfred (University of Linz)
Full edition for scientific use. This is the dataset of the third wave of the Austrian Social Survey that investigates changes in the social structure, living conditions, social attitudes and values of the residential population of Austria. In addition to the Autrian questionnaire part, the dataset includes the module ISSP-2002 "Family and Gender Roles".
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Het waardenpatroon van de Nederlandse bevolking 1969

Brandsma, P., Rijksuniversiteit Groningen * Groningen, Sociologisch instituut (primary investigator)
A study on the relations between values and attitudes, especially those concerning sexuality. Application of the Rokeach Value Survey ( RVS ) in the Netherlands / relation values and attitudes, especially concerning sexuality. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment
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Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1986 - CV'86

J.W. Becker (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, SCP * Den Haag); A.N. Nauta (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, SCP * Den Haag (primary investigator))
Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of ( parts of ) the Dutch population.Work, income versus leisure / job satisfaction, pressure of work / satisfaction with life, prosperity / social contacts / mass-media, exposure to news and politics / prosperity, materialism / attitude towards consumer credit / expected developments in society / conservatism / need...
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Ongewenste zwangerschap 1970

Nederlands instituut v. sociaal-sexuologisch onderzoek, NISSO * Zeist (primary investigator)
Background data / motivations / sexual experience / data on the father. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ characteristics of parental family/household/ occupation/employment/ religion
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Katholieken over geboorteregeling 1969

Instituut voor toegepaste sociologie, ITS * Nijmegen (primary investigator)
Desired number of children / attitude to birth-control, to overpopulation / social desirability scale / experience of sexual education: / which methods of birth-control are allowed by the Pope / attitude to church's position on birth-control / attitude of family members, friends and others in social environment / which methods have actually been used or are used / opinion /...
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Emancipatie-opinies 2004 - EMOP'04

Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (primary investigator)
This survey is part of a number of surveys intended to examine the progress of the emancipation of women in the Netherlands. Opinions regarding sharing the care for children, sharing domestic tasks, labour force participation of women, income, political and social decision-making, sexual intimidation and maltreatment.
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Meningen over homosexualiteit II 1969

Meilof-Oonk, S., Valkman, O., Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Baschwitz instituut (primary investigator)
Potential information specialists on homosexuality/ differences in emotions among them/ purpose of information about Homosexuality/ change of attitude after reading a report on homosexuality. Religiousness / promiscuity / sex information / information about homosexuality / estimated percentage homosexuals / protective age / attention paid to homosexuality / openness about...
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Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1987 - CV'87

J.W. Becker (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, SCP * Den Haag); A.N. Nauta (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, SCP * Den Haag (primary investigator)); Becker, J.W., Nauta, A.N., Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, SCP * Den Haag (primary investigator) (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, SCP * Den Haag (primary investigator))
Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of ( parts of ) the Dutch population.Work, income versus leisure / job satisfaction, pressure of work / satisfaction with life, prosperity / social contacts / mass-media, exposure to news and politics / prosperity, materialism / attitude towards consumer credit / expected developments in society / conservatism / need...
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Politieke participatie en autoritarisme 1972

C. Lange (Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Psychologisch laboratorium); A.M. Huisman (Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Psychologisch laboratorium); G. Roggekamp (Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Psychologisch laboratorium (primary investigator))
Authoritarianism / dogmatism / rigidity / progressiveness versus conservatism / socio-economic radicalism / attitude to social welfare laws / premarital and extramarital sexual permissiveness / personal opinions versus perceived party line on several political issues like foreign policy, democratic procedures, military spending, socio-economic policy, social policy,...
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Menopauze en perimenopauze 1972

Zeylmans, J.G. (primary investigator)
Relation to parents in youth / sexual education / reasons to work / leisure activities / sexual relationship to husband / sexual experiences / attitude to sex / attitude to the pill / anti-conception / experiences with first menstruation / attitude to aging / problems for middle aged women / attitude to menopause / fear of physical inconveniences / information about...
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Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 01, jan. 1972 )

Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Instituut voor wetenschap der politiek, FSW-A, werkgroep kontinu-onderzoek, Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Baschwitz instituut (primary investigator)
Continuous items for most waves watching tv / reading papers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference / questions concerning importance of different political issues / left and right in politics. Wave 1: Geographic mobility tendency / attitude towards and knowledge about homosexuality. Background...
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Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1991 - CV'91

J.W. Becker (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, SCP * Den Haag); R. Vink (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, SCP * Den Haag (primary investigator))
Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of the dutch population. The international part of the survey contains questions about aspects of religion / the national part contains questions about social and cultural aspects of life.International part: dead penalty, abortion, sex, politics, confidence in several institutions and detailed questions about god and...
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Rooms-Katholieke gemeenschap te Wageningen 1964

M.F.G. Vijverberg-Jessen (Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen WUR * Wageningen)
Membership ecclesiastical and non-ecclesiastical clubs / participation in parochial activities discussion groups, choir, pilgrimage, prayer sessions etc. / attending mass / baptizing / birth-control / contraceptives / dissolving marriage / alterations in church service.Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/ occupation/employment/ education/...
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Minderheidspositie van agentes en verplegers 1982-1983

Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Vakgroep arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie (primary investigator)
Differences in minority position of policewomen and male nurses. Duration and work between secondary school and police or nursing training / duration of service as a policewoman or nurse / number of transfers / duration of service with group / number of women and men in group / interesting, stimulating and satisfactory work / learning of new things / special attention for...
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Huwelijken in Nederland, 1983

G.A. Kooy (Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen WUR * Wageningen, Vakgroep westerse sociologie); C.J. Weeda (Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen WUR * Wageningen, Vakgroep westerse sociologie)
Consensus of opinions and background matching of partners in marriages in the Netherlands. Background data on marriage and family / voting behaviour / religion / satisfaction in household and job / social contacts in relation with personal problems and worries / self-description / partner description / general attitude towards marriage, financial affairs, leisure time,...
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Sexual behaviour of secondary-school students in Slovenia, 2004

Pinter, Bojana
In order the aim to evaluate the risk-taking behaviour, a representative study on sexual behaviour of secondary-school students in Slovenia was performed. In the spring of 2004, 2388 1st and 3rd grade students from 48 randomly selected secondary schools in Slovenia anonymously completed a self-administered questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was used for data analysis.In...
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Use of contraception and sexuality among women in Slovenia, 2011

Simetinger, Gabrijela
The starting point of the research was to determine the presence of coitus interruptus as a form of contraception in Slovenia in two theoretical frames, ie. a medical view of the body and sexuality and a feminist critique of the medical discourse of contraception. The main objectives of the study were to research and define the role of the coitus interruptus in the...
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Evaluation of the amendment of the indecency legislation 1994

Savornin-Lohman, J. de, Beijers, W.M.E.H., Gelder, C.P. van, Goderie, M.J.H., Nieborg, S.M.A., Rijkschroeff, R.A.L., Dr. Hilda Verweij-Jonker Instituut * Utrecht (primary investigator)
In this survey an inventory has been made of the consequences and results of the amendment of the indecency legislation, which was effected in 1991. P1219A - Jurists: section of criminal justice where respondent is working and his-her function / having experience with indecency offences: number of years/ frequency / knowledge of amendment of the indecency articles of the...
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Health and family in an agricultural community 1971

S. Rypma (Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen WUR * Wageningen, Afd. sociologie en sociografie)
Family situation / occupation of husband / marriage / financial relationship between husband and wife / personal worries and problems and mutual perception of these between husband and wife / socio-cultural behaviour and relationship / opinions on relations with children / family and friends / opinions on sexual behaviour / extra-marital sexual permissiveness / mutual...
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Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 18, dec. 1978 )

Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Instituut voor wetenschap der politiek, FSW-A, werkgroep kontinu-onderzoek, Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Baschwitz instituut (primary investigator)
Continuous items for most waves watching tv / reading papers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference / questions concerning importance of different political issues / left and right in politics. Wave 18: Mass-media interest / elections for broadcasting time / most important problem for the government...
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Open en bloot 1974

Veldkamp marktonderzoek bv * Amsterdam (primary investigator)
Evaluation of public reaction to one of a series tv programs on sexual education. Exposure to and opinions on tv-program about venereal diseases in a series called 'open en bloot' / attitude to sexual matters / sex instruction when young / information on venereal diseases / information on how one can get such a disease. Background variables: basic characteristics/ household...
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Sexuele vorming in het lager onderwijs in de regio Noord-Drenthe 1976

Wybenga, M., Gezondheidsvoorlichting en -opvoeding Drente * Assen, Bykerk-Hoenink, D., Rijksuniversiteit Groningen * Groningen, Afd. sociale psychologie (primary investigator)
Sexual education in primary schools / experience with lessons / topics dealt with / need for appliances and assistance / differences between young and old teachers / urban and rural / public and denominational schools / attitude towards changes in education in general. Background variables: basic characteristics
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Effecten van voorlichting ter voorkoming van sexueel overdraagbare aandoeningen 1985-1986

G.W. Marsman (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Vakgroep communicatiewetenschap); G.A.J. van der Rijt (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Vakgroep communicatiewetenschap)
Evaluation of the influence of information in prevention of sexually transmittable diseases on knowledge and behaviour. several background variables / importance of God and religion in life / time spend on reading of newspapers and magazines / reading of advertisements, kind of advertisements: personal announcements, obituary notices, personal advert, advertisements of...
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Nationaal onderzoek vruchtbaarheid en ouderschapsmotivatie 1975

Moors, H.G., Niphuis-Nell, M., Dongen, P.J.W.J., Nederlands interdisciplinair demografisch instituut, NIDI * Den Haag, Vries, H. de, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht * Utrecht, Sociologisch instituut (primary investigator)
Motivation for parenthood / details on pregnancies, marriage and family size / knowledge of contraceptives / family-planning / occupational activities of wife and husband. Background variables: housing situation/ income/capital assets/ religion
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Hoe vindt u het om vrouw te zijn 1974

Nederlandse onderneming voor uitgevers marktonderzoek, NOVUM * Haarlem (primary investigator)
Discrimination of women / inborn and acquired qualities of men and women / opinion on position and role of women / attitude towards working mothers and equal division of work and domestic work between husband and wife / feelings during pregnancy and childbirth / opinion about marriage or relation with husband / family planning / opinion on domestic work / division of tasks...
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Finnish Sex Survey 1992

Haavio-Mannila, Elina (University of Helsinki. Department of Sociology); Kontula, Osmo (University of Helsinki. Department of Public Health)
A national survey on Finnish sexual life and sexual behaviour. Many questions were repeats from the 1971 Finnish Sex Life Survey (FSD1242e) and allow for comparative study of the data contained in these two surveys. However, in this survey some themes received greater emphasis (e.g. sexually transmitted diseases and their treatment, single persons, homosexuality and casual...
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Finnish Sex Survey 1971

Koskelainen, Osmo (Academy of Finland. Research Council for the Social Sciences); Leppo, Kimmo (Academy of Finland. Medical Research Council); Sievers, Kai (University of Turku. Department of Hygiene and Social Medicine)
This is the first national, representative survey on Finnish sexual life, sexual habits and sexual behaviour. At first, respondents were asked to indicate to what extent they agreed with attitudinal statements relating to sexual freedom, sex without love, women's right to take the sexual initiative, homosexual relationships, polygamy of men and monogamy of women, casual...
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