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Research on Internet in Slovenia
This survey is performed annually on all schooling institutions (N=850) in Slovenia. It is performed by mail and it covers all the aspect of Internet communication technology usage in these institutions. To ensure continuity most of the questions in this year questionnaire are the same as in previous yeas. The RIS project has been monitoring the usage of the Internet in...
Research on Internet in Slovenia
The survey of school institutions was conducted in June 1998. Most of the questions were from last two years surveys. In 1998 the questionnaire was expanded. Questions about opinions and estimation of purpose, possibilities of use, reasons for (smaller) use intensity, consequences that usage brings, fields of use and interests for electronic communication. It included...
Research on Internet in Slovenia, 2000/2001
This survey is performed annually on all schooling institutions in Slovenia. It is performed by mail and it covers all the aspect of Internet communication technology usage in these institutions. To ensure continuity most of the questions in this year questionnaire are the same as in previous yeas. The RIS project has been monitoring the usage of the Internet in School...